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it's been a week and i've gotten 4 more detentions. 4. what the fuck. all of them have been for stupid reasons, not to mention all of them have been given to me by ms. o'connell. i thought i got on her good side.

i'm supposed to be in second period right now but i'm skipping with rose.

"bro that new teacher is so fucking annoying", i say to rose. "i mean i don't even do anything and i get detention. i could be chewing gum and she gives me a detention", i continue. "i mean i feel like she already hates me and is like out to get me", i say.

there's a long pause before i speak up again. "bro do you think she hates me?", i ask rose while stopping what i'm doing. "you're overthinking it lis. maybe she actually likes you", rose says. "if she liked me then why would she give me so many detentions?", i ask. "as a way of getting to spend more time with you", she tells me.

i sit there for a moment and then speak up again. "don't you think that's a little weird tho?", i say back. "i mean yea but", rose says. "but what? don't you think it's a little weird to like one of your own students?", i say while pushing some hair out of my face. "yea that's weird as fuck but i mean who knows, maybe she's the one", rose jokes with a smile playing on her lips. "you're so fucking stupid", i say while rolling my eyes and punching her shoulder jokingly.

"well i gotta go. wouldn't wanna be late to ms. o'connells class", rose while getting up off of the bathroom floor.

~time skip~

it's the end of the day and i have one more class. i text rose telling her i'm skipping. she texts me back and says she's on her way to the bathroom.

i go into the big stall and wait for rose. i hear a knock on the stall door and thinking it's rose, i open it without looking to make sure it was actually her.

i look up and see that i'm face to face with ms. o'connell. "oh shit", i say as my eyes go wide. "did you seriously think you could skip my class?", ms. o'connell says while letting out a small laugh.

i see rose start coming into the bathroom but i shoo her away so she doesn't get in trouble too. she makes an 'oh shit' look on her face when she sees ms. o'connell and quietly runs out.

i then see ms. o'connell start writing something down. "bruh i didn't even do anything", i say, raising my voice a little. she starts writing again, all with a smirk on her face.

she hands me two pieces of paper without saying anything. "why the fuck did you give me two?", i ask confused. "because one for skipping and two for calling me bruh. you don't talk to your teachers like that annalisia", ms. o'connell tells me.

i rip the papers up and throw them at her. she literally doesn't give anyone else this much detentions. why am i the only one?

ms. o'connell basically drags me to her room. before we go in, she stops me. "did you skip second period too?", ms. o'connell asks. "no", i lie. "so if i ask your teacher they're gonna say you were there?", she asks while raising an eyebrow. "yea", i say back blankly.

she doesn't say anything else and then opens the door, motioning me to go in. um.. ok. is this bitch stalking me now?

"ok i just had to take care of something", ms. o'connell says to the class while eyeing me. she starts talking some more and i pretty much zone out for the rest of class.

"you guys have a test tomorrow so make sure you guys prepare", i hear ms. o'connell say as the bell rings. am i gonna study? no. i really don't give two fucks about my grades so.. oh well.

sentimental | b.eOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora