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"don't forget to ask someone to take you home or else you're going to have to walk annalisia", my mom says while driving me to school. "i already told you i'm not picking your ass up from detention", she adds. "i know. i'll ask rose or something", i say while letting out a breath of air.

my mom pulls up to the drop off area and we say our goodbyes and i get out of the car. "hey lis", rose says while leaning into hug me. i hug her back and we walk into school.

"oh um can you take me home today after school? my mom said she isn't 'driving my ass home after detention' as she likes to say", i explain. "i can't. i'm sorry. my dad is picking me up today and you know how he is", she tells me honestly. "oh.. right no yea i understand", i say with a fake smile on my face. guess i'm walking home.

we go to our first period and say goodbye to each other. i have mr. o now. i don't know why people call him mr. o but.. that's just how it is. i use to have him last period but now i have him first since my first and last period got switched. one, so i wasn't with charlotte and two, so ms. o'connell makes sure i don't skip detention. yay.

he hands out a piece of paper for us to work on for the rest of class. boring, i know. after about 45 minutes the bell rings. i pick up my bag and make my way to the front of the class so i can turn in the paper.

~time skip~

i'm now at lunch and i'm sitting with rose. "bro do you wanna just skip the rest of the day?", she asks while taking a bite of her sandwich. "i can't. i have detention today, remember? and i'm not tryna get anymore", i tell her honestly. she nods her head in response, knowing where i'm coming from.

we finish up lunch and i make my way over to my next period. "i'll see you later lis", rose says as she begins to walk to her next period.

this class went by slow as fuck. we had four different papers we had to do and the teacher is old as fuck. she can barley even walk. the bell finally rings and i quickly pick up my bag and walk out, not wanting to be in that class any longer.

the rest of the day continues to go by slow, until it's time for my last class of the day.

i start making my way over to room 107. can't wait. i walk in and see ms. o'connell. she looks at me for a split second but then looks back at her computer. ok? weird ass.

i take a seat and pull out my phone while i wait for class to start. i hear my name be called so i look up. "annalisia, put your phone away. don't make me have to tell you again", ms. o'connell says sternly. i roll my eyes and slip it back into my pocket.

she begins teaching about.. well i don't really know what. i wasn't paying attention. oops?

class goes by relatively fast and as soon as the bell rings everyone start packing up their things and leaving. i stay seated because i have to stay for detention.

"move the the front so i can make sure you aren't doing anything you're not supposed to be doing", ms. o'connell says. "you sure you just don't want to be closer to me? get a better look" , i tease. "annalisia", ms. o'connell warns. "ok ok. just tryna joke around with my favorite teacher damn", i say. "jokes are supposed to be funny", i hear ms. o'connell say. "so why aren't you?", i say back. "you saying i'm a joke?", she asks while raising an eyebrow. "nah..", i say back and shut up.

i walk over to her desk and pull up a chair and sit down. "i didn't mean that close", she says back. i ignore her and change the subject. "so why am i always the only one in detention?", i ask, while leaning back in my seat. "one, you're the only one who gets detention this often and two, i can give you more work", she says back. i know this bitch did not just say that-

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