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"your teacher emailed me and told me that you have a tutoring session after school today", my mom tells me. "but rose and i were gonna hang out", i tell her while grabbing a water out of the fridge. "i don't care. you're failing school and you need all the help you can get", my mom tells me.

i roll my eyes and then grab my bag and say goodbye to my mom and make my way down to the lobby. it was a monday and my mom woke me up super early to, "make sure i'm not late for school again".

as i'm walking down i see billie. i really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone since it was only about 7:30 in the morning.

i try to avoid her but then she speaks up. "you walking?", she asks and i turn around. "yea. what does it look like i'm doing?", i say dryly. "you're gonna be late if you walk. let me take you", she says. "no thanks. i'm not in the mood", i politely decline and start walking.

it was now around 7:50 when i got to school. thank god they changed it from 7 am to 8 am. i'd be over an hour late every day if it still started that early.

as i'm walking to my first period i see billie. is she stalking me or something?

"you're late", she says while stopping me. "no shit. aren't you supposed to be in class teaching right now?", i ask. "aren't you supposed to be in class learning right now?", she then says. "yea yea whatever. fuck you", i say back with a bitchy tone, kind of forgetting that i was talking to a teacher. like i said, i wasn't in the best mood this morning.

"you need to fix yourself", billie says while walking off. i'm surprised she didn't give me a detention. i mean i'm glad she didn't but still.

~time skip~

i'm now at lunch and i swear everyone was pissing me off.

rose wasn't at school today because she "slept in", so i was all by myself. i decided to go bother billie because it's fun.

i get up and start making my way over to her. i get to her room and knock on the door. she opens it slightly, seeing who it was. when she sees it's just me she opens the door a little.

"what's up?", she asks. "rose isn't here and i didn't want to sit with anyone else so..", i say while walking in. "so you come to my classroom?", she asks confused. "well i mean yea", i say, not really know what i'm getting at.

i pull up a chair to her desk and sit down. "my sister is coming down for my birthday", i say. "oh.. when's your birthday?", billie asks while sitting down. "in a few weeks", i reply back. "18 right?", she asks and i nod my head. "damn an adult", she says awkwardly. "yup", i say while leaning back in my chair.

for the rest of the hour we basically just talk about random shit that comes to mind. seniors are allowed to leave during their lunch period. i would but, i don't have a car. so i'm stuck here.

~time skip~

i was currently walking to my last period. i just wanted this day to be over already.

i walk into class and sit down in my usual spot. i lay my head down on the desk as more and more students start coming in and taking their seats.

i end up falling asleep without realizing. i get woken up by someone shaking me. "wake up. class is over and you slept through the whole thing", billie says. "oh shit. my bad", i say while rubbing my eyes.

"come on. you're coming over to my place for tutoring", i hear ms. o'connell say. "i am?", i say back confused. "yea your mom said that her and her boyfriend were having a date or something", she tells me and i let out a small 'oh'.

i get up and pick up my bag from off the floor. when i stand up and turn around, ms. o'connell was standing closer than i thought she was.

"um so don't you think it's a little weird for one of your students to be coming over to your place", i say. "only if you make it weird", she says back. i stand there for a moment and then she speaks up again. "come on let's go", she says and we start walking.

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