Chapter 12: Maverick's POV

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She had fallen asleep on the journey back to the house. Murmurs and stares from the party guests were the only sounds as I walked through the open door with her over my shoulder passed out.
The whispers got louder as I walked up the staircase towards my room. Walking into my room, I turned on the bedroom light and softly set her down on the bed. I adjusted her to where her head was placed on the pillow and pulled the comforter up over her body.

She instantly snuggled into a fetal position wrapping the blanket tighter around her. A small smile appeared on her lips and I knew. She may be persistent and detached from me right now, but I can get her to love me back.

I had always heard when mates meet there's usually always an instant feeling of love and deep connection. It may be a one-sided feeling for now but with a little time she'll feel the same way.

I turned the light back off and quietly shut the door heading back downstairs. At the base of the stairs waiting on me were 2 men. I recognized them as alpha Luke and beta Derrick. My eyes widened. Luke is her father.

"Maverick may we talk for a second?" Luke said. "Of course sir." I replied. "Everyone the party is over. It's just after midnight so everyone be careful when driving home and it was wonderful seeing you all tonight." "Luke we can talk in my office if you'd like."

"Yes sure just lead the way Alpha Maverick." He was talking to me with so much respect, like I hadn't just chased down his daughter in the middle of the night, came back with her unconscious over my shoulder, and locked her in my bedroom. Most fathers wouldn't be so....accepting.

I lead him down the hallway towards my office. Brenton quickly caught up with us and joined in the big library style room. He stood next to me while I sat across from her father and his beta. "Listen Luke... I just want to-"
"You don't have to explain anything to me Maverick. This is exactly why I brought Audrey along in the first place. Her mother and I felt like she was old enough and we grew tired of her not WANTING to find her mate, so I took it upon myself just to give her that extra nudge. Of course I had no idea who her mate would be, but I am certain that you will take care of her."
"Of course I will Luke, she may not have been searching, I however, have been for years. Actually if it weren't for you, Luke, it would have been longer before I would have found her."
"Just listen to me this once Maverick, like I said she wasn't wanting her mate. She's a very stubborn, hard headed girl, very tough. Do not underestimate her. Give her time to adjust. And watch your back." He then got up and left the office with Derrick, exiting the house.
"Watch your back? What do you think he meant by that?" Brenton asked. " I have no idea but if you don't mind I'm just going to go head to bed with my girl." That was probably the greatest sentence I've ever said in my life.
I quietly walk back up the stairs and head down to my room unlocking the door. I walk into the dark room and shut the door behind me.
Next thing I know Audrey's awake and just decided to hit me over the head with the glass table lamp and I now know the meaning of her fathers words.

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