Chapter 9: Audreys POV

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Left. Right. Right. Left. Left. I was officially lost. Every tree looked the same and I was damn sure I had passed the same rock six times.

I figured I had run far enough to lose him by now so I stopped for a break by a stream bed. My tongue lapped at the refreshing water. I see my Wolfy reflection in the water, Starkly still had yet to say a word to me. I didn't mean to be that harsh on her, but I was stressed and snapped.

There was a crack of a branch behind me. I turned around and stood defensively, my teeth were bared and ready to attack.

I didn't even see it coming though.

The attack came from behind, weight knocked me down and sparks tingled my body.

There, on top of me was my so very naked mate. I tried knocking him off, but he didn't even budge. I then tried rolling and wiggling, also with no success. His eyes captured mine and he clearly knew he had won this battle.

"Give up, little mate. Your all mine and no one else to even touch or think about you the way I do." I whimpered and suppressed back a moan. His warm, electric breath fanned onto my neck, my wolf moaned in my head. She loved his possessiveness. His nose slowly skimmed up and down the side of my bare neck, his hands holding onto my waist as to so I wouldn't run again. "Your mine." And with that said his canines extended fully and plunged into the flesh of my neck. Blood flowed from the wounds as he released. His tongue lapped over the mark that made me forever his.

The mark that ruined my life. The mark that would also ruin his.

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