Chapter 19 M

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I wish I would have had all this information about two days ago. Pretty much every alpha was here at once, we could have held an emergency meeting.
Audrey is right, we will need every pack to band together if we wish to defeat this oncoming threat. Half-breeds can take out at least a hundred wolves by themselves, and we only know of thirty so far. They could possibly have more by now. The only positive I can see is that half-breeds are not created, but are born. This takes some time.
Back in the council meeting I share my thoughts with the group of men. "We must first get the leaders of all the packs in the world together at once. They need to know of what Chandler has shared with us today."

Brenton standing to my right agrees. "We will send out the calls immediately to every leader. They all need to be here within the next couple days."

"Yes and then we come up with our victory plan, I do not intend to lose this war. Is there any response from Alpha Dominus?" I ask.

"Yes. He has said that he will be here by tomorrow morning." Chandler answers.

I quickly respond, "well gentlemen, let's all do what we need to do. We all have mates that are relying on us, myself now included." My smile is one of true utter happiness. Audrey has been spying on us through the crack in the wood door. She thinks I haven't noticed her there this whole time, til I look directly at the door and hear her footsteps running down the hallway. Sly little thing.


Returning to the bedroom I find her laying in bed, acting as if she had been reading this whole time.

"I know you heard everything Audrey, and I don't mind."

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've been right here just waiting patiently for you." She looks at me smiling.

"You know you could just have joined us. You are my mate after all, therefore you are to lead alongside me as equals, plus I know that you have the sexiest, smartest brain." I walk over to her side of the bed, running my finger down the side of her neck just gently grazing my mate mark. She likes this very much, a low growl resounding deep in her throat. I want to kiss her, but we have not done this yet. I want her to kiss me first because I do not want the same reaction I got from her when I marked her.

"I wouldn't mind joining in. I used to help my father along with these sort of issues, plus there's a lot you don't know about me mate." She winks at me. This makes me curious as to what she is hinting at.

"Well then tell me what I should know, I mean I'll know everything about you later on, but give me some juicy stuff now."

She gives me a wicked look. "Well for old do you think I am?"

"I don't know. To me you look like you're seventeen or eighteen."

"Wrong, alpha. I happen to be 25, that's right I'm older than you."

So what if she's older? I mean it's really not that common that the female be older than her male mate, but there are still some cases. We're one of them now. "Okay but why does it matter?"

"I've had more training than you." She smirks.

"But....more training in what?" I'm very curious now.

She looks at me with so much pride. "The art of killing."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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