Chapter 10: Mavericks POV

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I stuck my fangs into her warm neck. No one had ever explained to me that when you mark your mate, you get an instant boner.

My dick hardened up so quickly. She noticed the bulge in my pants. She then pushed me off of her, my fangs pulling out of her neck painfully.

"Get off of me, you sick perv!"

"What?! you're my mate I can do what ever I please!"

She got up off the ground, quickly going to run in the other direction, but I stopped her by wrapping my arms tightly around her waist, pulling her into my chest.

"I don't think so. I caught you fair and square. You're coming with me."

"I am not going anywhere with you!"

"We'll see," I said throwing her over my shoulder, face towards the ground.

"Put me down, you troll!"

"Ouch! Cut it out! If you don't stop punching me in the back, I'm going to tie your hands to your feet!"

"Put me down and you won't have to worry about me punching you!"

"No way am I letting you down," I replied giving a good smack to her ass.

She gasped and started wiggling causing me to lose my grip on her. She fell down to the ground, landing on her butt with an "oomph"

I grabbed her again, picking her up and heading towards a tree. I pulled a couple vines from the tree and tied her hands and her feet.

"What?! you can't do this to me!"

"I warned you."

I threw her over my shoulder again heading back towards the house.

Sorry for not really updating it has been a while.

I would like to dedicate this chapter and book to my friend Joey, whom I am very very very depressed to say committed suicide last night. Goodbye my little Mexican angel.
I will always miss and love you.

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