Chapter 4: Maverick's POV

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Today is the day. I have gotten everything all set up within the past 24 hours. I made sure everything was perfect, I did not want a single complaint about anything.

My wolf has been pacing inside my head, growling, "tonight. Tonight. Tonight."

I smile knowing what he is talking about. He can sense it for coming. She will be here tonight, even I can feel it, deep inside.

I haven't even seen, talked, or touched her yet. I can already feel the deep love I will give her. I sit on the couch next to Brenden, smiling.

"What's with the smile man?"

"She's coming."

"And how do you know this?"

"Licas(his wolf half) can sense her."

"Well you do know the party is in an hour right?"

I gasp looking down at my clothing,"Oh shit man! I haven't even showered yet, or changed!"

"Better get on that then," he says smirking.

I rush out of the couch and shove his face into the corner. I run up the stairs and rush into my shower, quickly stripping out of my clothes and turning on the faucet.

The hot water massages the strained muscles in my back. I lather my hair in shampoo and rinse. I step out and wrap a towel around my torso. I walk towards the closet getting out my black suit.

When I check the time it's already been over an hour and I can hear the guests arriving downstairs.

I mind link my beta telling him if be down in 20. I walk out of the door and down the stairs towards the main room, take a deep breath and walk through the double doors.

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