Chapter 16 M

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I dreamt of her. Everything. Her smile, her laugh, those eyes and lips. I felt the need to wrap my arms around her everyday, every hour, every minute. Nothing, not even a speck of dust would hurt Audrey as long as I was there.

I was so warm with her bundled up close to my chest. It felt as though a fire was burning, but the flames were pleasant rather than painful. Could I ever get used to this?

Knocks on the door had me irritated. I don't even want to leave her for a second. Instead I just voice out whoever it is to come in.

Opening the door, there came in the young boy, Lachlan. "Do you need something?" I asked.

"Not at the moment I guess, just wondering when the two of you will be up?" He answered. "Brenton has been asking, and I'm just quoting this, he said it, "lazy ass needs to hurry the hell up, if he couldn't get the job done last night, he can't get it done now, that poor girl."

I glared at Lachlan, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I'm assuming that last part is referring to Audrey." Speaking of Audrey, she was now awake and having a laughing fit. Her face went red and hands flew, clutching the sides of her stomach. "What's so funny?"

"I'm not sure if you want me to explain it to you Maverick," she said still laughing in between her words. "No, no please enlighten me as to what is so hilarious."

She sat up facing toward me. Then she stated it so slow, "Brenton is bashing your "bed skills" Maverick." She looked me in the eyes waiting for my reaction. My reaction was instantaneous, surging rage and a hypothetical need for blood, particularly Brenton.

"Bashing my bed skills?! I'll kill that little shit." I tore off the bed sheets and grabbed my shirt from the nightstand. I started stomping towards the bedroom door when I heard Audrey call my name.
Hearing her calmed me down just a smidge, but it still wouldn't stop me.

I turned around and walked back to the bed hopping up landing by her side, "yes dear, what is it?"

"Don't hurt him too bad, okay?" She held a playfulness gleam in her eyes and a big, beautiful, dazzling smile as she placed her hands on either side of my face.

I grabbed her right hand, placing it near my mouth, "No promises dear." With that said I placed a kiss on the top of her hand, jumped back off the bed and headed back toward the door.

I'm going to find him, oh man and when I do, I can't even say what I'll do. I don't even know. I can almost already guess where he's at. The kitchen. He never stops eating, but will call me lazy? Well see about that.

I look through the window in the hallway into the kitchen. Sure enough he is there sitting at the table. He's sucking on a fruit smoothie with a bowl of cereal in front of him. Perfect.

I quietly walk up behind him as he's talking with some other people at the table. They all go silent. "Dude, why did everyone shut up all of the sudden?" He says looking to everyone at the table.

Just before he turns around, I grab the smoothie from his hand. "What the hell....." Brenton turns around looking back at me. I dump all of the contents on his head and before he can get over the initial shock, I then dunk his face into his bowl of cereal.

He comes up hair clumped with smoothie and sputtering milk out of his mouth. Everyone else just sits there wide-eyed.

"What the hell man!"

"Get your ass up, we got some words to have," I stayed, clapping my hands together. "Office, in 10 minutes. Oh and Brenton, clean this shit up."

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