Theme park

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You go get the door and you see Bakugou standing there with some flowers! "Aww, are these for me?" You ask flattered. "No, they're for your floor, what do you think? They are for you!" He says sarcastically. You laugh at his response and he takes your hand to guide you to his car. He goes to the driver's seat while you're on the passenger seat.
The drive takes approximately 15 minutes and then you finally arrive at the theme park! "Wow! This looks so cool! Could we go over there?!" You say while pointing at an area where there is a heart made of roses to take pictures with. "Yeah, you can choose all the rides and stuff" he noted.
You go to the rose area to take some pictures with Bakugou, "Come on! Smile for the camera babe!" You insisted with puppy eyes. "Okay, fine, just this time though" answered Bakugou a bit annoyed. You got some really cute pictures and Bakugou tried to hide that he was really enjoying it. After taking some pictures, he took you to get some cotton candy. (or candy floss) "Could I get a some popcorn, and my wife would like some cotton candy?" The shop-keeper looks at him and then at you, "yeah, of course."
While he goes to get your cotton candy and popcorn you ask Bakugou, "Why did you call me your wife, we aren't married!" He chuckled and confessed "I am gonna marry you soon baby, don't worry." You blush and then you get your cotton candy.
"Let's go to the Ferris wheel now!" you exclaim. Bakugou agrees and takes your hand while heading to the Ferris wheel, just like you wanted. You're at the top of the Ferris wheel when Bakugou confesses, "I have never loved anyone as much as I love you, I want you to be mine forever." You blush and you kiss him, indicating that you agreed with him. You two make out until the ride ends.
You decide to go to a few more rides until you got too tired, you yawned "I'm tired, can we head home now" he replies with "yeah, of course" before picking you up and taking you to the passenger seat of his car. You notice that you're not going home, but somewhere else..

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