Meteor shower

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"Bakugou, where are we going?" You ask confused, "We're going to a park, I know it's late, so, it's the perfect time to look at the stars, I heard that there is a meteor shower tonight! You can get some rest during the ride, it might take a bit" You smile and rest your head on your seat, slowly heading to sleep.
After who knows how long, Bakugou wakes you up, a little aggressively. "Are we here?" You say yawning. "Yup!" You look up and see about a million stars in the sky. "Woah" is all that you manage to say because it was so beautiful.
Bakugou takes you to sit at a big smooth boulder, he lays down indicating you to lay down next to him. "Look over there" he says while pointing at a shooting star. You whisper your wish and so does Katsuki. "What did you wish for?" You ask curiously, "I wished that you will be my wife soon." He says smiling at you. You blush while staring into his beautiful red eyes. "I wished that I could live the rest of my life with you" you say a little embarrassed. "Well, that's cute" you see Bakugou blushing for the first time.
    You continue watching the meteor shower until midnight and you place your head on Bakugou's shoulder. He talks to you in a soft voice making you fall asleep.
    When you wake up, you are still in the park and you can see Bakugou next to you, asleep. You see a grill a few feet away so you decide to cook something for you too. You grill some scrambled egg bread until you feel someone hugging you.
    You get startled and you turn around to see Bakugou. He leans in for a kiss and you can see his lips puckered up and his eyes closed, leaning in. You giggle and he opens his eyes, embarrassed, he points out "Are you done making the toast? It looks delicious!" You turn around and take a plate for him.
    You both go to a table and eat breakfast together. Bakugou keeps on mentioning how good the toast is. When he's done, he asks "Do you want me to take you home? I won't be able to stay for long though, I have to see my friends afterwards" you answer that you'd love him to take you home since, you don't really know the rout home and cause you want to spend more time with him.
You two walk towards Katsuki's car and he tries to start the car but.. it won't start.. you two were stuck.

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