The end

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  (I'm sorry for not updating for around a year, I have been focused on other stuff so I will end this book here, thank you for reading it)

  You hold Bakugou's hand as you walk into the pet store. You are looking to adopt a dog together. You look through all the sections passing the parrots, cats, mice, until you find the dogs.

The dogs wag their tails eagerly wondering which one you will pick. There is a particular dog that looks very hopeful for you to pick it up. You ask a worker what it's name is and you hear "Charlie". You pick it up and it licks your face and then you and Bakugou nod at each other and go to the cash register.

"We would like to adopt Charlie" Bakugou says. You get the paperwork and sign it and now you have the dog. You go back home after buying it toys, a bed and everything else that you need.

A month later, Charlie is already well trained and your bond with Bakugou is somehow even stronger.

One day, you're getting ready while Bakugou is working and you see a note on the bathroom mirror, it says "Be ready at 7 pm, I'm taking you out to dinner" you scream excitedly and run to get a fancy dress/suit. You know Bakugou likes to surprise you with fancy places.

You get ready again with the dress and you fix your hair after taking a shower. When it's 7 pm sharp, the bell rings and you go outside. You see Bakugou in a tuxedo and he takes you to the car.

After 15 minutes, you arrive at a fancy restaurant. Bakugou opens the car door for you, takes your hand and leads you to the restaurant. You eat dinner in front of each other and he takes your hand when he asks for the bill. You offer to split the check but he declines. He just loves spoiling you.

When the check comes, he slides his card and nods at the waiter. You look confused, because of the nod and you see him go on one knee. "Y/n l/n, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?"

The other diners look at you in anticipation and awe and you scream "Yes! Yes! Yes!" While crying tears of joy. He puts the ring in your wedding finger and kisses your knuckles. "Thank you wifey/husband" he says. "You are the best person I have met and I am so grateful to have met you."


  Thank you for reading this book! I'm so sorry for almost never updating but thank you so much. I am very grateful for each and every one of you that picked this book up. Thank you.

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