Chapter 4

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While Ayim's enjoying her day off, she decided to breathe some fresh air so she sat in their usual spot, under the wisteria tree.

While she was zoning out and hating her life, she felt someone's presence beside her. When she turned around to look at it, it's the young pillar, Muichiro. Who is looking at her with sparkles in his eyes.

"Can I help you?" Asked Ayim with a smile not trying to sound rude. Mui then laid his head on her lap and grabbed one of her hand to put it on his head.

"Mama, play with my hair." He said and Ayim chuckled. She's starting to like it now the way Mui calls her mama. She played with the boy's hair and the boy fell asleep.

"Ah! Ayim-chan! Do you want to train with me?" Asked loudly by the flame pillar which startled Ayim.

"Ren-san! Can't you see Mui is sleeping!" Ayim scolded the pillar and he looked at the sleeping Muichiro.

"My bad, looks like you're really a mother now." Kyojuro teased and Ayim let out a cute chuckle. He noticed Ayim's hair turned into green meaning she's relaxed. It's been almost 2 decades since he saw that color in her hair so he decided to leave her.

"Maybe next time, Ayim-chan." He said and he bid goodbye.

Ayim zones out again while playing with Mui's hair just like always. Mui woke up and he smiled upon seeing her beautiful face.

"Mama, you're so pretty. Just like the clouds." He said as he look up. Ayim gave him a smile then he got up.

"You're leaving now?" She asked.

"Yes, I have a mission to go to. Thanks mama." He replied and he gave Ayim a tight hug.

After Mui left, Ayim heard an annoying laugh coming from the tree.

"What a flamboyantly gorgeous day." Said Tengen then he jumped down.

"This is for you, m'lady." He added then he handed her the bouquet of wild roses. Ayim blushed on his gesture and her hair turned into redish pink. Tengen didn't notice this because he's stupid for some reason.

"Thank you." She replied while she received the flowers.

"I hope we can start fresh. Why don't we have lunch by the lake and get to know each other?" Asked Tengen. Ayim thinks for a second if she has anything to do today.

"Yeah sure." She replied and Tengen grew a wide smile.

"Shall we go?" Asked Tengen and they both left the headquarters.

It took some time for them to their destination because Ayim couldn't walk properly still. When they got there, Tengen puts down the basket and they sat down. He removed the bento boxes that were made by his wives in the box.

"You know, I can hear people's thoughts if I just focus about it." Tengen confessed out of nowhere. Ayim didn't belive it.

"Really? That's great." She replied while they started to eat. Ayim looked at the water and remembers her past where they always play.

"Memories..." She thought.

"Ayim? What do you mean memories?" Asked Tengen and Ayim snapped back from her thougts.

"Nevermind. It's not important." She replied.

"Okay. So, is your name really just Ayim?" He asked again then he put a piece of fish in his mouth.

"Nope. My real name is Kissa." She replied.

"What about Ayim? Is that your last name? It sounds unique." He muttered.

"Actually, I got Ayim from a book I was reading before I became a demon slayer." She replied.

"Oh, so why don't you want to marry me?" He genuinely asked. Ayim smirked.

"It's not that I don't want you, i don't really want to get married at all. Like, to anyone in this lifetime." She said. Tengen chuckled and a conclusion popped into his head.

"Did you promise someone that you'll marry him when you see him again?" He asked.

Ayim took a deep sigh.

"Yes." She replied then she drank water from the bamboo tumbler.

"Okay, since you don't want to get married, maybe you can be my girlfriend." He said. Ayim choked on the water and Tengen rubbed cirlces in her back.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked again.

"Give some time to think about it, okay?" She asked back and Tengen nodded.

"Just don't take too long, princess." He replied and once again, that made her blush.

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