The Janitors Closet is Occupied - Simon

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Summary: After entering the class late and your teacher getting upset, you leave the classroom in a hurry and hide in the janitor's closet. The teacher sends Simon out to go and get you. He finds you in the janitor's closet and comforts you but then pleasures you.

Warnings: Swearing, getting turned on at school, talk about death (mainly talking about Shadyside and its bad history), comforting a friend, blowjob, handjob, teasing, LOTS of moaning, undressing in front of someone, kissing, choking kink, praising kink, eating and tasting cum. I think these are all the warnings needed for this story but I might've missed some. If you find any I didn't add, please tell me <3

Pairing: Simon Kalivoda x Female Reader

Word count: 2,163

Side Note: I'm so, so, so sorry I haven't been posting a lot. I've been busy with stuff going on in my life. I did take time out of my week to make a story for you guys though. Hope you enjoy this really smutty fanfic. Also, I suggest listening to CPR by CupcakKe and Closer by Nine Inch Nails while reading this fanfic <3


I entered the school with a disgusted look on my face. I despised school. Every aspect of the school was toxic. I especially hated school after a student was announced dead. People died all the time in Shadyside. It was tragic, honestly but no one cared. The teachers didn't give a shit. They had to pay respects to the students that died though. It was policy. I felt a kind of guilt seeing kids running around all happy, not giving a damn about those dead. At least I had my friends Ryan, Heather, Kate, Simon, and Deena. Sam would come and go in the friend group. She and Deena were having complications with their relationship but I didn't bother too much to pay attention.

I walked over to my locker and sighed a deep, heavy sigh when I saw two students making out at my locker. I tapped the guy's shoulder to get his attention. He looked at me with an angry expression. Geez, I thought. "Move," I said quickly. He looked at me then his girlfriend then back at me. Rolling his eyes, he walked away with his girlfriend. I watched them walk away before opening my locker. I took off my backpack and put it on the little hook in my locker. I checked the mirror to see if I had a hair out of place or I didn't do my makeup properly. I jumped in the air when Simon put his hands on my shoulders. "Holy shit!" I practically yelled. Simon laughed an airy laugh. "Sorry," He said with a sincere look on his face. "It's ok," I said before placing a quick kiss on his lips. Simon put his hands on my waist. "You look beautiful today," He said. God, he was so good at complimenting me. I felt a familiar wetness in between my thighs. 

 No, no, no. Not right here. Not at school. Shit. My face filled with panic and Simon noticed. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked me. I looked at him quickly before walking away. I had to take a breath of fresh air. I felt bad leaving Simon after he asked me if I was ok. Everyone was in the school by now and off to their classes so it was really quiet outside. The only thing to be heard was the soft wind hitting the trees and buildings. I walked over to my car and sat on the hood. I was told not to sit on the hood of my car because it would leave dents and my parents didn't have enough money to pay for them, but I never listened. It was a cold autumn morning. The wind felt nice. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing. How could I get turned on by a simple touch and a compliment? God, Simon really did a number on me, I'll give him that.

 I didn't open my eyes when I heard feet shuffling towards me. I did open my eyes, however, when I felt a hand touch my hand. I saw Kate standing there with a look of concern. I moved over and motioned for her to sit next to me. She got the hint and sat down. "Um...," Kate's voice trailed off. "Are you ok?" She asked. I just sat there, thinking about what I should say next. "I did see you run off in a hurry," She said. I looked at her and saw that she had a small smile on her face while she looked at me. "Well...When Simon complimented me and put his hands on my waist, that...turned me on," I said while picking the palm of my hand. "Oh, I see. You have a case of the butterflies," She said in a joking tone. "What? No, I do not," I rolled my eyes at Kate's joke. Kate then went dead serious in a matter of seconds. It made the air heavy. 

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