Chapter 7: Care for a Drink?

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I know you guys have been waiting a while for another chapter. I'm sorry it took so long and this one is a bit short, but school's been crazy and life kind of sucks right now. My dad may be losing his job and things are going to start becoming more difficult. No matter what, I will finish this story, but updates may be slow over the next few months. So enjoy this chappie. :)


"What the hell was that?!" Rylan hissed at Cas and jerked his shoulder to get his attention. "You were ready to fight him, weren't you?"

Cas took a deep breath but still spoke angrily, "What is wrong with you? You act like Blake is such a dick, yet you seem to talk to him everywhere we go."

Rylan became angry as she realized Cas thought she pretended to hate Blake just for show. "You must be crazy if you think for one second that I actually like talking to that...that...parasite!"

Cas turned his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "What is going on?" Cas asked, searching Rylan's eyes for some explanation. "Because obviously I do not comprehend the situation."

Rylan balled her hands into fists at her sides. Cas had never been this difficult before; never this prying. Why did he suddenly care so much? Rylan flashed back to what Blake had said about Cas having a crush on her. Is that what this was? Some jealous feud? "What's going on is none of your business. It's between me, Dani, and Blake. I don't need your help and I certainly don't need you getting into fights for me."

"Rylan-" Cas tried, but Rylan just walked away through the crowd toward Dani who was standing in the hallway with two sodas and a confused expression on her face.

"Rylan, what's going on?" Dani asked.

"I'm going to need something more alcoholic than that." Rylan said, glancing pointedly at the sodas.

"Um...ok. Are you-"

"Dani, I swear if you ask me if I'm sure..." Rylan interrupted threateningly.

Three hours later, Rylan was drunk and dancing around like a madwoman. Cas had looked her way more than a dozen times with a disappointed and worried glance, and the few times Rylan had caught him, she glared, smirked and made strange kissy faces at him, and stuck her tongue out at him more than once.

Dani watched as Rylan almost fell over for the fifth time while swaying her hips in a way that screamed I can't dance. "Do you think she's alright?" She asked Tuck who was standing next to Dani with a raised eyebrow.

"I think she's going to regret this in the morning." Tuck said. "I'll go get Cas and we'll get out of here before Rylan starts pole dancing or something." Tuck shook his head in disgust at the thought.

Dani walked over to Rylan. "Rylan, we're leaving. It's time to get home and get some rest."

Rylan stopped dancing and looked at Dani. The world was fuzzy and she felt light-headed and happy. "But I wanna dance s-some mo-o-re." Rylan slurred and giggled as she let out a burp.

"Honey, we need to go. You're drunk and starting to do really embarrassing things." Dani explained. When Rylan made no move to go and instead continued swaying, Dani grabbed her wrist. "Rylan!"

"What!" Rylan yelled as the loud music continued to beat around them. "You're not my mother!" Then Rylan tore her wrist from Dani's grasp. Dani was shocked. She turned to face the waiting figures of Cas and Tuck who were five feet away. Tuck gave her a why aren't we leaving now look.

"She won't leave." Dani said as she walked over to the guys.

"I'll get her." Cas said and sauntered over to Rylan.

"I don't think-" Dani began, but Cas was out of hearing range, "that that is a good idea." She mumbled the rest under her breath.

"Rylan, it's time to go!" Cas said.

"Screw you!" Rylan accentuated each word although they came out slurred.

"Come on." Cas said and grabbed her arm to try and drag her out of the house.

"Let go of me! I'm not going anywhere with yew!" Rylan mumbled and threw the rest of her beer on Cas's shirt.

He paused and glanced down at his shirt, then up at Rylan. "Alright, let's do it the hard way."

Cas yanked Rylan and threw her over his shoulder. "Put me doown, yew ass!" She beat on his back, but she was so drunk that her strength was gone.

Cas made his way out the front door with Dani and Tuck following with their backpacks. Rylan giggled. "That's funny, cuz I'm lookin' at yeuw ass."

"Dude, how are we getting her home? She can't walk all the way like this." Tuck asked.

"Well, it's a good thing she's staying with me." Dani said. "I'll call Henry."

"Who's Henwy." Rylan slurred, unable to pronounce the r's correctly in her baby voice.

"My brother." Dani replied, pulling out her cell phone. "Cas, could you please put her down. She might throw up or something."

Cas dropped her on the wet grass. "Oomph! That huwt!" Rylan whined.

"Well if you weren't so drunk, I wouldn't have had to carry you outside and you wouldn't be on your ass on the wet ground." Cas replied angrily.

"Oh yeah?! Bastawd! Well, if I wasn't so's drunk now, I'd kick you's ass!" Rylan slurred and slumped back on the grass.

Cas ignored Rylan the rest of the time. Rylan started to drift off to sleep. Finally, Henry showed up. "Damn Dani. That girl is going to have such a bad headache have to deal with her. Get in." Henry said. He seemed upset, but he wasn't angry. He drove Cas and Tuck home before heading back to Dani's and his house.

"C'mon Rylan. Let's get you to bed." Dani said while helping Rylan climb out of the car.

"You're lucky I don't tell mom and dad about this." Henry said.

"Just remember, I know all about your little party splurge last summer." Dani threatened.

Dani dragged the half asleep Rylan up to her bedroom and let her fall onto the bed. "Ugh!" Rylan moaned. "Stupid ass Cas."

"Shhh, Rylan. Just go to sleep. You're already gonna have a humongous headache in the morning." Dani coaxed.

Then Dani made herself a small bed on the floor and prayed Rylan would be okay in the morning.

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