Chapter 3: Trying to Understand the Enemy

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 Thank you all for commenting for more and i'm sorry for the long wait. I've been wanting to write for awhile now and on some of my other stories, I have.  So here's to all of you. :)  I'm sort of hesitant about posting this chapter because of a specific event that occurs, so be forewarned.


There’s something about Northville High that makes you want to jump off a really tall building.  Rylan could sense it almost instantly. She glanced around at the crazy mix of students.  People were clustered everywhere and school would be starting soon.  She was already thinking of all the possible ways she could get lost and there were lots of them.  Then there was the small matter of Liam, Tyler, and Blake.  The first two didn’t worry Rylan as much as Blake did and coming across them individually would be less intimidating than if they were together.

Rylan surveyed the crowds for Dani, Cas, and Tuck, but they were nowhere in sight.  She took a deep breath and walked into the large school building.  The first day of her new life in a new school in a new state was just beginning.  First period went as normal as it could have.  Rylan didn’t know any of the other students, but she did take an instant dislike to the teacher.  Mrs. Wright was not at all how her name described her; in fact, she was quite the opposite and got most of her facts wrong.  Rylan thought it was best not to judge.  She didn’t want any teachers hating her from the get-go.

Out in the hallway after the bell rang, Rylan wished she could run home and get away from all the hustle and bustle.  She searched the corridors for the Geometry room, but there were too many students who kept shoving her on their way to their classes.  Rylan sighed heavily, about to give up and wait for most of the students to clear out when she made eye contact with a certain orange-haired boy. 


It took him a second to realize he recognized the girl he was staring at. 

Rylan spun the opposite direction as Tyler turned to alert Blake and Liam.  At first she let the flow of the other students carry her down the hallway, but when she glanced back and saw the three tailing not too far behind, she began to push past everyone in her path.  Rylan ducked into the first classroom she came to, her heart pounding.

“Ah, Miss Winchester.  I’m so glad you could join us.  Please have a seat.”  The teacher, Mr. Wilcox said.  Rylan was embarrassed when she realized the entire classroom was watching her.  She quickly moved to an open seat near the front, thankful that she'd stumbled into the correct classroom.  The period was short, probably because Math was one of the few subjects she actually enjoyed and Mr. Wilcox was pretty skilled. 

Rylan figured she would be paranoid the rest of the day with Blake, Liam, and Tyler on the loose.  What did they want with her anyway?  Someone to pick on or perhaps someone to scare with threats.  They were psychopaths in the making.

Either way, she wasn’t taking any chances and made a beeline for her next class, Ancient Literature.  The moment Rylan stepped into the classroom, her mood brightened.  There were actual windows in this room making it brighter and Dani was sitting in the middle of the classroom like a beacon of joy.

“Rylan!  Over here, come sit with me!”  Dani called, her blonde hair bouncing as she jumped up and down trying to catch Rylan’s attention.

Rylan sped over to her friend.  “I was hoping we would have at least one class together.  I waited for you before school, but I wasn’t sure if I would catch you or not so we could compare schedules.”  Dani smiled.  “So, how’s your day been?”

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