The Inbetween

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A/N Hello lovelies! This is a special look at what happened between My Teacher Hits Me and My Teacher Hates Me. There are a few things I feel like explaining in greater detail and this seemed like a fun way for me to do it. It's also a look into the story from Rylan's point of view as opposed to a third person, omniscient narrator.


  It is said that with a little bit of time, things can get better.

  I think that's a load of crap. Okay, sure, perhaps things can get better, but there isn't a guarantee that they will. As soon as everything came to a head with Mr. Quinn, I snapped out of the alternate reality I'd been trying to hide away in. It was like I hadn't known how much I wanted to live and wanted to live happily until I almost had it all forcibly taken away.

  That sounds so cliche, but when you're fifteen and have lived a sheltered life, you're not exactly spending your time thinking about death; you're more focused on the here and now. I hadn't even thought Mr. Quinn capable of murder. Not until the first night he tried to end my life.

  After that, I knew he was capable of the worst kinds of things. There was no way for me to fix things on my own. I had to come clean to everyone, especially my dad. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. But it managed to empower  me even more to do the right thing, especially when I heard Mr. Quinn would get off without even a scratch. I had to find evidence and I was prepared to do that.

  Things didn't happen like I saw them in my head, though. Everything and everyone calmed down after my hospital visit, including Mr. Quinn. He was being especially careful. So life reverted to normal. Well, as normal as it could be, minus Blake. He was a problem I didn't want anyone to know about. Thankfully my friends had respected that, but he crossed a line when he came to my house and forced me to accept his invitation to the Valentine's Day Dance.

  I figured I could get out of it later, but that didn't happen. I ended up going to the dance so I could spend some time with my friends. At least, that was the plan. It quickly backfired when I found out Dani was missing and Tuck began a fight with Blake. Cas intervened and I got separated from them. I wasn't about to stay in a room by myself with Mr. Quinn and a bunch of other students who couldn't care less about me.

  So I left and ended up lost in the process. It couldn't have been coincidence that I ran into Mr. Quinn. This time, he was determined to finish what he started. I guess he just didn't care anymore. He told me I wasn't the only girl.

  I found out later that he had a bad case of Bipolar Disorder and it had caused him to lash out at students before. At two of his previous schools, there had been three student murders, most likely caused by him, although there was no proof. The police were willing to accept all the coincidence, though: his presence at those schools, his attempt on my life, his admittance that I wasn't the only one.

  It didn't really matter anymore, anyway. Mr. Quinn was dead. Removed from my life with the swing of a bat. I could tell you the moment I ended his life haunts me, but I'd be lying. He's in my past; something we all agreed should stay there.

  There are times I think back to that moment and the person I've become because of it. But then I remember that the nightmare isn't quite over for me. There's still Blake.

  Even though I finally told the truth about him, it wasn't near as easy as just saying it. My claim got Blake arrested, but there was still a trial. My claim didn't hold up, just as I'd thought. I hadn't been ready to speak up when the incident happened, so I didn't have any evidence. It was my word against his. What really got him was Dani's kidnapping. She identified Liam and Tyler as the perpetrators and they were arrested. They had rap sheets unlike Blake and neither was willing to take the blame for him. I was glad they had enough sense to cut a deal with our lawyer.

  That still only left Blake with two years. Two. In reality, I only had about six months because this was his first offense and he was allowed probation. Six months before he'd be out and prepared to make my life miserable; prepared to come after me.

  The months are winding down now. I'm not sure how long I have left, but it isn't long.

~My Teacher Hits Me~ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now