Chapter 12: Keep Your Friends Close

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A/N Although there is no suspenseful action in this chapter, it is super important to the plot line of the story. So I hope you enjoy. :D

Rylan watched silently as Blake left the restroom. She hated him; her feelings went beyond words. Just keep smiling and pretend like nothing is wrong, she told herself. Rylan composed herself and then headed back to class. She ignored Blake as best she could for the rest of the class. When the bell rang, Rylan met Tuck at the door to Art class.

“Hey.” She smiled at seeing a familiar face.

“Hey. Are you alright?” Tuck asked, concerned. He knew something was wrong.

Rylan sighed as the two entered the classroom. “No, but I can’t stop everything in my life because of a few problems.”

They sat down and Tuck continued talking. “Dani has been acting strange lately. She won’t tell me what’s wrong. I was hoping you’d fill me in.”

Rylan knotted her brow. “She won’t tell you?”

“No.” Tuck shook his head and stared at Rylan suspiciously.

“I hate to sound selfish, but if Dani won’t tell you, I can’t tell you either.”

“Rylan, what do you know?” Tuck pushed.

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you—” Rylan tried.

Tuck interrupted. “I love her, Rylan. So if something is wrong, you need to tell me. Now.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” Tuck demanded.

Rylan flashed back to Mr. Quinn’s warning. “Because I know what you’ll do.”

Tuck paused, trying to comprehend. “What does that mean?”

Rylan stayed silent. “What does that mean, Rylan?!” Tuck said more forcefully.

“Nothing.” Rylan attempted to end the conversation. She tried to focus on molding the clay on the table in front of her, but Tuck wouldn’t let up.

“Rylan, please. I won’t do anything rash, just tell me.” Tuck placed his hand on Rylan’s forearm to get her to focus on him.

Rylan tried not to look at Tuck. She knew she’d break down if she talked about it. She knew that she’d put Dani in danger when she asked her to wait outside the English room. She knew Mr. Quinn would do something even worse if she told Tuck, but if she was going to tell Cas, then shouldn’t she also tell Tuck? Rylan battled with the voices inside her head for a moment, and then turned to Tuck.

“Don’t put me in this position.” Rylan pleaded.

“What position? I just want to know what’s going on.”

“The position where I have to choose between what my best friend wants and what you want.” Rylan snapped. She paused and softened her tone. “I don’t want to tell you if she won’t. It’s probably better if you hear it from her anyway.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t go behind her back.” Tuck said, and then he focused on his work.

Rylan felt guilty after the conversation. She told herself that she’d done the right thing, but she wasn’t so sure. Surprisingly, class went by quickly and the bell rang signaling the end of the day. Rylan needed to go see Cas before her dad got home. She took a taxi to his house, surprised she remembered his address at all. Rylan paid the cab driver and bit her lip as she stared at the faded blue house. So she was really going to find out his secrets? Rylan almost turned to get back in the cab and go home, but the taxi took off.

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