Chapter 22: You Will Be Mine

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A/N Second to last chapter! The finale is coming. Vote if you will. Hopefully I'll get the last chapter up by tonight. :)

Rylan no longer felt like doing her homework. Her dad came and collected the wire to return to the police chief. Rylan really had no more use for it anymore since she had to turn if off every time Blake was around. That was pretty much all the time lately. Besides, the police had stopped listening after the first few days. The only reason they pursued this case in the first place was because of her father’s persistence and how messed up Rylan had looked when first brought to the hospital.

Rylan realized she would need to use her own abilities to get the truth. She was on her own now and anything could happen. That’s what scared her the most. She was losing control over everything in her life again. Blake left her no choice with the dance and now she dreaded Friday night more than anything….Scratch that…Rylan dreaded having to tell Cas about Friday night.

Mr. Winchester let Rylan walk to school in the morning as long as she promised to call him when she got there. Rylan bundled up to shield herself from the chilly weather.

“Commence operation avoid Blake.” Rylan muttered under her breath.

Her plan, however, didn’t work so well. The second Rylan set foot on campus after calling her dad, Blake was next to her, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Rylan attempted to shake him off, but Blake didn’t budge.

“Looking forward to tomorrow night?” He teased.

“Let go of me Blake.” Rylan said, ignoring her suddenly shaky tone. “Just because you think I’m going to the dance with you, doesn’t mean we’re going to start hanging out.”

Blake chuckled. “Do you think this is just about taking you to the dance? No, cupcake. This is about asserting my dominance. And you are going with me.”

Rylan stopped walking and shook Blake’s arm off her shoulders roughly. “I don’t care what you  or I said last night. I’m not going to the dance with you.”

Blake narrowed his eyes, but smiled. “You don’t have a choice. So unless you plan to turn me in, we’ll be spending a lot more time together.”

Maybe I will.” Rylan threatened.

But Blake knew there was no real threat behind the words. Rylan was far too afraid while standing in his presence to follow through with any threats.

“If you were going to tell anyone, you would have done it already. Your threats are empty.”

The bell rang and Rylan turned to head inside, but Blake grabbed her book bag strap, yanking her back around. “If you do decide to tell anyone, I’d urge you to reconsider.”

Rylan stared defiantly into Blake’s eyes, knowing he was right and hating him for it. “I have to get to class.”

“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” Cas yelled as he sauntered over to Blake and Rylan. He shoved Blake off Rylan.

“Woah! Calm down pretty boy, our conversation is over.” Blake held his hands up in mock surrender, and then he looked at Rylan. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

Rylan glared at him as he walked away. She hated him even more for ousting her to Cas. Now she would have to explain that comment and if Cas wasn’t going to take it well before, now he definitely wouldn’t. Cas glanced down at Rylan once he felt Blake was at a safe distance away.

“What is he talking about, Rylan?”

Rylan closed her eyes. “I didn’t want to tell you like this.”

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