Chapter 6: The Life of the Party

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Thanks everyone for your patience. This chapter gives you a better view into Blake's mind. So enjoy, comment, vote. :)


Because of Blake and his incessant chatter, Rylan was late for detention.  She entered the room to see Dani seated at her desk, furiously scribbling down her homework.  Mr. Quinn barely looked up and glared.

“Glad you could join us.”  He said sourly.

Dani ignored Rylan as she took a seat beside her.  Rylan chose to copy Dani’s example and just focus on getting through the detention period.  But it was difficult for her to focus when Mr. Quinn’s glare never left her face.  She found herself staring at the same sentence of the Aeneid she had been five minutes ago.  Rylan hadn’t gotten anything done when the one hour detention was over.  Dani scurried out of the room leaving Rylan behind.  Rylan was about to do the same, but Mr. Quinn grasped her wrist although it wasn’t as tight as before.

His expression was calm when Rylan faced him.  “Let’s try to avoid any fights in the future, shall we Miss Winchester?” 

Rylan couldn’t help but think he was a bipolar bastard of a teacher.  “Yes.”

“Sir.”  He stated matter of fact, inadvertently squeezing her wrist tighter.

“Yes, Sir.”  Rylan replied.


Rylan stared down the hall in dismay.  Her locker door was wide open as she was gathering her books for homework.  The hall was empty, but she could easily guess what was waiting for her on the other side of the double doors at the end of it.  Rylan could even see the faint shadows crossing the light shining in beneath the door.  Blake.  Rylan couldn’t seem to figure him out.  He was rude and mean, but he obviously had a dangerous nature as well.

High school was supposed to be exciting and fun, but Mr. Quinn was making life difficult and Blake wasn’t much better.  Rylan tapped her foot on the floor nervously, glancing around for an idea to pop out of thin air.  She could probably handle Blake, for a short time, as long as he didn’t have his goons with him.  Oh why did Dani have to leave her all alone?  Rylan understood how scared Dani was of Mr. Quinn, but she had done the fighting and detention for Dani.

Rylan sighed, exasperated and slammed her locker shut.  She spun around and a hand gently touched her shoulder.  Rylan squealed in fright. 

“Woah.  Shhh. He’ll hear us.”  Dani said as she tried to calm Rylan’s nerves.

She smirked.  “You sure are jumpy.”

“Yeah, I wonder why?”  Rylan replied sarcastically.

Rylan turned serious.  “I thought you left.”

Dani shook her head.  “Why would I leave without you?  I’m not mad at you, Rylan.  This afternoon’s events just shook me up a bit.”  She smiled halfheartedly.  “I’ve come to the conclusion that avoiding Blake, Liam, and Tyler is a good plan.”

Rylan smiled.  “I agree entirely.  But how do we get out of here?”

Both girls glanced down the hall at the double doors.

“It’s a school.  There has to be more than one exit.  We’ll just have to find another one.”  Dani said hopefully.

It didn’t take them long to find another exit.  Around the corner and down the hall and after a left turn, they found one.  They left the building.  Dani was happy, but Rylan got a feeling of unease.

“Wait.”  Rylan pleaded, stopping.  “What if they’re waiting around the corner?”

Dani was confused for a minute.  “I don’t think—”

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