Chapter 8: Show me Some Love, Show me Some Hate

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Special Dedication to @juststartedwriting for asking me to write more to MTHM.  Hope it's as good as you expected. :D

     A/N Thanks for being so patient.  If you pressure me and I can find the time, don't be afraid to come and ask me to write more.  I made this long especially for you guys and because my last chapter was so short.  It was super fun writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoy. :)


“I told you drinking would be a bad idea!”  Dani scolded.

Rylan glared at her friend while trying to massage her temples so the effects of the hangover would wear off faster.  “You never said such a thing!  Not last night!”

“Well, I’m saying it now.  That was pretty darn stupid of you.” Dani shot back.  Then she gave Rylan a concerned look.  “What happened anyway?  Does it have something to do with Cas?”

Rylan groaned; more from the question than from the hangover.  “Dani.”  She whined.  “I don’t want to talk about it.  Now can I please have some aspirin or coffee or something?”

Dani sighed in frustration, but then got a devious look on her face.  “You don’t get any aspirin until you tell me what happened last night.”  Dani crossed her arms defiantly.

Rylan checked for any signs that Dani would waver on her resolve, but found none.  She sighed.  “I don’t understand how things could have gotten so out of hand.  We were at the party and I went to see what all everyone was doing and ended up on the patio.  Blake startled me and—”

Dani interrupted quickly.  “Wait, Blake was at the party?  Rylan, why didn’t you tell me?”

Rylan became flustered.  Her headache was making it difficult to remember certain details and focus on Dani’s mood swings.  “I don’t know, it all happened so fast.  Blake started talking about me like some shiny new toy he wanted and then he threatened you and Cas and Cas showed up and was being all possessive and strange and—”

“Woah, woah, woah.  Slow down, Rylan.  Take a breath.”  Dani soothed.  “What are you saying?”

Rylan’s eyes went wide as she realized the meaning behind what she had said.  “Blake sees me as a new challenge.”  Her words felt like a boulder were pressing down on her chest and Rylan felt like choking.  She looked at Dani helplessly.  “What does he want from me, Dani?”  Rylan could barely bring her voice above a terrified whisper.

Dani’s eyes mimicked Rylan’s terror.  “I don’t know…”

“Dani, he threatened you…and Tuck and Cas!  What am I supposed to do?  I can’t let anything happen to you guys!”  Rylan instantly forgot her headache with this new worry on her mind.

Dani grabbed Rylan’s hand tightly and forced her to look in her eyes.  “Blake won’t hurt us, okay?  Nothing bad will happen.  We’ll continue to avoid Bryan and his band of pests and eventually they’ll graduate and be gone.” 

Dani’s hopeful tone broke Rylan’s heart.  She knew Blake would never give up and she had to face another year with him after this one.  “We have to get to school soon.”  Rylan said, attempting to change the subject.  “Can I ask you something?”

Dani giggled.  “You just did sunshine.”

Rylan rolled her eyes, but regretted it instantly when her head started to spin.  “Um…What’s Cas’s deal?  I mean, I never asked before, but he can’t possibly be quiet the way he is all the time.  I saw him having animated conversations at the party.”

Dani wrought her hands together and bit her lip, refusing to look Rylan in the eye.  “Dani, tell me!”  Rylan demanded.

“He’d have to tell you himself.  It isn’t my secret to tell…But between you and me, I think it has something to do with you…and not in a good way.”  Rylan gave Dani a confused and worried look.  “Don’t get me wrong, he likes you.  He like likes you…but there’s more to it than that.”

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