Extended Epilogue

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A/N The link to the sequel is in the external link to your right. Also, please check out the "chapter" after this one for a special look at the story from Rylan's POV.

  The paramedics loaded the black body bag into the back of the ambulance. Red and blue lights flashed against the front of the school and reflected off the ground in a blinding manner. An officer led Rylan down the steps to another ambulance where her father was getting stitched up. The students from the dance stood crowded behind a caution line only fifteen feet from the school.

  Some were curious while others were confused. Rylan ignored them. They had done nothing to help back when it could have made all the difference.

  "Hey dad." Rylan said, smiling. "Are you okay?"

  Mr. Winchester smiled back for a millisecond, but it caused him too much pain. He settled for giving Rylan a thumbs up. One of the female paramedics had reset his broken nose a few minutes before and was now stitching up the gash on his cheek. He stopped her for a second and pulled Rylan into a hug.

  "I love you." He said.

  "I love you too." Rylan replied, sqeezing him tightly.

  Mr. Winchester grunted in pain and Rylan pulled back, apologizing.

  "It's fine. I'm just a little sore." He amended.

  Rylan glanced over at a small collection of officers as the paramedic continued her work on her father. A little to the left of the collection, two officers were questioning Blake, Tuck, Dani, and Cas. Rylan found herself narrowing her eyes at Blake. That problem still wasn't solved. She had killed Mr. Quinn, but Blake remained.

  In that moment, Rylan realized that she didn't want to live in fear anymore. She had killed Mr. Quinn to protect her own life--to live. Now Blake was the only thing standing in the way of her happiness--her right to live without fear.

  The police chief walked over to Rylan. "Miss Winchester, I want to apologize for not believing you. I'm sorry."

  Rylan accepted his apology and nodded for him to continue.

  "Are you up for answering a few questions?"

  Rylan almost replied 'sure' without thinking, but then she said, "Yes," to make her reply more firm and final.

  "What happened? I want to understand what is going on."

  "What happened?" Rylan repeated, considering the question. She looked over at Cas, Tuck, and Dani and then back to the police chief. "I'll have to start at the beginning."

  Rylan relayed her story from the day she moved here. She told the truth, knowing she owed it to her dad, her friends, and to herself.

  At the end, the chief stared at Rylan a moment. He struggled to keep his emotions in check, and then he went and arrested Blake himself. Rylan watched as Blake was led toward a police vehicle.

  "Finally being smart, cupcake?" Blake called across the parking lot. "Not all problems go away." He smirked.

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