Chapter 1: The Arrival

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Special thanks for my banner from RainOrShine. :D

A/N It is important to note that this is a fictional story about child abuse and it takes place in a fictional city.  All of the characters are fictional as well and though there is some truth to this story, it is not based upon specific events.  If you or anyone you know has or is being abused in any way, please do not hesitate to seek help.  No matter what you've been told, you don't deserve to be abused.


Rylan moved to Ashland a few months before her ninth grade year. Northville high appeared to be a promising school and was closer to where she lived than any other school in the district. So, naturally it was more convenient since she was the only child of one parent. Her father had raised her since she was born. Rylan’s mother had wanted nothing to do with her and hadn’t even wanted to get pregnant But because her father promised that he would take full responsibility for the child, Rylan was immediately entrusted into his care.

He was mesmerized by this tiny creature that belonged only to him and made it his life’s mission to protect her and take care of her till the day he died. He was the best father Rylan could ever have dreamed of. Her name came from a former American football and baseball player whose name was Rylan Reed. He was a pitcher for the Chicago White Sox for a few years and the name had seemed really interesting to him.

So Rylan grew up never knowing the love of a mother. Her father dated a few times, but things never worked out over long periods of time. This new move was an opening for new opportunities and relationships and Rylan was excited.

“Hey dad!! Where is the box that has all my clothes?” Rylan yelled from the back of the moving truck.

Mr. Winchester poked his head out the front door while trying to balance two boxes in his hands and replied, “I think it’s the blue crate.”

“Found it!” Rylan yelled back before trying to drag it into the house. When she and her dad finally got everything into the house, they set about to unpack. It was midnight before they finally finished.

“I’ll order us some pizza.” Her dad said and left the room to make the call.

Rylan sighed. Unpacking was a lot of work, but she was glad they didn’t have too much and that it was done. Now all that’s left to do is eat and go to sleep. She would be starting school the day after tomorrow. Rylan was extremely excited. It was her first time moving and she wanted to think of it as an adventure. She ended up falling asleep before her dad came back into the room.

Mr. Winchester smiled at his daughter’s sleeping figure before picking up her limp body, carrying her up to her new room, and placing her on her bed. He then went back downstairs to await the pizza delivery guy.

Rylan woke up at 10 A.M. feeling happier than ever. She rushed through a breakfast of cold pizza, kissed her dad on the cheek, then ran out the front door yelling that she would be back later. Today was the day to go and visit the city. Rylan was curious what people did for fun in New Jersey. To be honest, she had always wanted to visit the state since she did a project on it in the third grade.

As she was walking through what she considered to be downtown, Rylan came across a group of kids who were in a music store. There were two guys and a girl. She was giggling hysterically to whatever comment one of the guys had said. The girl was short and slender in her red shirt and black skirt with long blonde hair and scaly green eyes; the boys both wore navy jeans and t-shirts, but one had dirty brown hair and sea blue eyes while the other had silky black hair and golden green eyes. She flipped through the CDs while trying to glance inconspicuously at the group. Maybe she could learn something from them.

The guy with the black hair glanced up and caught her gaze. Rylan quickly broke it and went back to furiously pretending she wasn’t spying. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the group walk to the checkout counter. The boy looked over at her, putting on his sunglasses as she turned to leave. Suddenly Rylan bumped into a rack of CDs, knocking it over.

“Crap.” She hissed.

Rylan bent down, frantically trying to pick up the CDs which were now strewn across the floor. Beside her, someone crouched down to help. It was the girl. She gave Rylan a smile before standing the rack up and helping her place the CDs back in their spots.

Rylan grimaced apologetically. “Thanks.” She said.

“No problem. I’m Danielle, but you can call me Dani.” Said Dani.

Rylan relaxed slightly. “Nice to meet you. I’m Rylan.”

“Rylan. That’s an interesting name.” Dani smiled. The boys finished paying at the checkout counter and walked over to Rylan and Dani while the cashier glared at Rylan for having knocked the CD rack over.

“Guys, this is Rylan. Rylan, this is Tuck and this is Cas." She gestured to each boy in turn. "Cas is short for—” But Rylan would never know because Tuck, the brown haired boy, cut Dani off before she could say anything more.

“Hey.” Tuck said. He was the one who hadn’t even noticed Rylan. She blushed under his straight gaze. Cas stayed silent, his facial expression hidden behind the pair of aviator sunglasses he had put on. Rylan decided it was best not to ask.

“So, we were headed out to the mall. Would you like to come with us?” Dani asked.

Inside Rylan was beaming and screaming for joy. Her first day here and she was already making friends and getting comfortable. “Sure. If I’m not intruding.”

Dani laughed a sweet chime and threw her arms around Rylan’s shoulders. “I like this girl.” She said, addressing the guys. “You’re too polite for a teenager.” Dani remarked leading Rylan and the boys out of the shop.

When they arrived at the mall, Dani thought it best to split up. She could see how uncomfortable Rylan was about Cas who still hadn’t said a word to anyone. Dani knew something was up because Cas usually wouldn’t shut up, but she didn’t want Rylan thinking that she was the cause of his silence. So the two groups agreed to meet at the food court in an hour.

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