Chapter 2: Meeting the Enemy

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Thanks for everyone who is supporting me on this story.  I know how hard it can be to write about these types of things, but i'm trying to keep an open mind and be true to my characters, so let me know if i do them justice.  Enjoy and i'm sorry it took so long for me to upload.  I started writing this chapter awhile ago, but hadn't felt like finishing it until now.

Please rate, vote, and comment. :D


“What the hell is wrong with you man?!”  Tuck addressed Cas.

Cas glanced around helplessly, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.  “I don’t know.  I just…I feel like I’m losing my mind.” 

Tuck smirked giving a short laugh.  “You like that girl don’t you?”

Cas dismissed his question instantly and the two continued walking through the Men’s department of JCPenney. 

At the other end of the mall, in Claire’s, Dani and Rylan were spinning through the racks of jewelry.  “So, where are you from?”  Dani asked.

“My dad and I moved here from L.A.”  Rylan said, watching Dani as she held up a pair of diamond star earings.

“L.A.?  Cool!  I’ve always wanted to visit the west coast, but my parents tell me I’m too young to do anything that requires spending more than a day away from them.”  Dani smiled and she and Rylan giggled at the thought of her parents.

An hour later, the group met in front of Taco Bell to eat.

“So you start school tomorrow, right?”  Tuck asked Rylan.

Rylan giggled because he asked her the question just as she had taken a bite of her burrito.  Dani gave Tuck a pointed look and kicked him under the table.

“Ouch.  What was that for?”  He asked.

“You’re supposed to wait till after a person is done chewing to ask them a question dumbo!”  Dani scolded.

Rylan giggled again swallowing the last of her bite.  “I do start tomorrow.  I’m supposed to be getting my schedule in the mail sometime today.”  She said.

“Cool.  With any luck, you’ll have a few classes with us.”  Tuck referred to the group together.

“What do you mean ‘with any luck?’” Rylan tried to imitate Tuck’s tone but failed and the entire group laughed.

Dani answered the question for Tuck.  “He means Northville High is a big school with lots of students and teachers so the odds of any of us having one class with you are very slim.”

“Oh.”  Rylan said, worried now that she wouldn’t have anyone to hang out with.

Dani attempted to cheer the mood.  “But we can all sit together at lunch and get together after school.”

~My Teacher Hits Me~ (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora