Chapter two

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Once I walked through the gates, I felt some sort of shiver down my spine. I walked into U.A, talking to Midoriya on the way to the classroom.

"What class are you in?" he asked

"3-A. You?"

"Same. come."

He grabbed me by the wrist and lead me to the classroom.

"Hey Deku! How was summer?" A short brown haired girl asked him.

"It was good, thanks for asking Uraraka!" He responded.

"Deku? That's a weird name. Wonder why she calls him that." I thought to myself.

I went to sit down and watched Tiktok until the teacher came in (because this is third year, Aizawa won't be in here so I'm just gonna make up a teacher)

"Alright everybody, please settle down and take a seat." A tall, bearded man said with a deep voice.

Everyone sat and quieted down.

"Alright, welcome everyone new and old to your third year of hero school! My name is Mr. Suzuki, your new teacher."

Most of the time, I didn't pay attention to what he was saying. I was too busy looking at everyone and wondering what their quirks were.

A few minutes into class, I looked at a boy with spiky blonde hair. He had eyes the color of blood. They had a sort of comforting way to them. I think he could sense someone was watching him because only a few seconds of me staring, he looked back and gave me a death stare. I looked away with what felt like fear and embarrassment mixed together.

A few seats next to him, sat a spiky red haired boy. He looked like he worked out a lot and wanted everyone to know. If I had the abs that he had, I would too. The blonde taped him on the shoulder, gesturing him my way. He looked back at me and gave me a warm smile. I smiled back.

I looked back at the blonde boy who was now staring at both of us. In a way, he seemed kinda jealous. Maybe that was his friend or something. They both looked at each other and then looked back at me. This made me a little nervous for some reason. I had always been stared at for being the odd one out because of my quirk but this time, I don't know why, but it felt different.

"Just friends" A Kiribaku x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now