Chapter five

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When you went downstairs, you saw Bakugou and Kiri sleeping on each other on the couch while the tv was playing.

"Ahem" you said to wake them up.

They jumped up, frantically asking what time it was or if they were late for school.

"No, it's 6 in the morning. I just wanted to tell you guys I'm gonna head home. I'll see you guys at school. Oh, and I'm taking this shirt. Byee!"

"Huh- WAIT, WHAT NO GIMME MY SHIRT BACK -" You heard Bakugou scream as you walked outside.

~~Magical time skip~~"

Once you got home, you were gonna yell to tell your dad that you were safely back, but before you could say anything, you saw a note on the table.

'Sorry I'm not home, early shift :( I'll be home late again today so don't wait up on me :)'

You went up to your room, put on a clean uniform, and went to school.

~~At school~~

You saw Kirishima and Bakugou talking in the distance. Before you could catch up to both of them, Bakugou went beside a girl with long beautiful blonde hair. The Mean Girl: Kana Monoma.

Kana was Neito Monoma's twin sister. They were both in class 1B and together, they ruled the grade. No one other than the teachers and her family knew about her quirk.

"Hey, Kiri! Why's Bakugou hanging with the 'Mean Girl'?"

"I don't know. She came up to us and asked how our week's been going and when I was about to answer, Bakugou interrupted and told her to 'piss off'. Then she smirked and left us alone.  Next thing I know Bakugou walks over to her and now has his arm around her."

"But I thought we were walking together today.."

"So did I.."

~~Time Skip Because I'm Lazy~~

A few days have gone by and Bakugou has only been hanging with Kana and no one else.

Kiri's POV:

"Did You hear the newest gossip?" one of the gossip girls said to her school podcast.

"Katsuki Bakugou, The School's 'Bad boy' has been heard saying he's going to PROPOSE to his new girlfriend, Kana Monoma! Sorry simps, he's taken! Do you guys think they're a good couple?!? Tune in next time to find out ALL the teachers that are dating inside the school! Stay Fruity!"

'What-' I thought to myself while listening to a mini present mic's podcast. (Let's just pretend that's her username on whatever podcast streaming app she's using)

If Bakugou was actually planning on proposing to someone he just met a few days ago, he obviously would've told me, his best friend...right?

No one's POV:

You and Kiri were in his room playing truth or dare, talking about random stuff, and listening to speed-up songs like you did every Saturday after Bakugou left you guys. You and Kiri got really close, and he even considered you one of his best friends.

"Dude pleaseee! I just wanna know who you likeee!" You whined trying to figure out Kiri's crush.

"Nope! Never! Mm-mm!"

"Fine! Truth or Truth!?"


"Just do it!"


"Who do you like!?"

Kirishima made an annoyed face at you. You couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Can I at least guess?" You asked.


You started naming every girl in your grade, and to every one of them, he said no. Then you started with the boys until you got up to Deku and Bakugou.


"Mmmm nope."

You gasped dramatically because you already saw it coming.

"Katsuki Bakugou!"


You two grabbed both hands and started squealing like fan girls. (Like how they do in movies :3)

"Hey, wanna spy on boom boom boy!?" You asked excitingly.


You smirked before answering.

"My. Quirk."

"Just friends" A Kiribaku x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now