Chapter Nine

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"Wait a minute, wait a minute... Love spell?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes, her quirk can make anyone fall in love with her if she touches them." Kirishima explained.

"Are you guys sure it's a love spell? Maybe he actually loves her." 

"They've only dated for like a week; how could he love her?- How could he be marrying her?" You say, frustrated and confused on how this makes any sense.

"How about this? Go to their wedding, and if anything seems off, I'll see what i can do. Deal?" Aizawa said, clearly tired and wanting to go back to his room.

"No -"

"That sounds great, thanks, Sensei!" Kirishima interrupted.

After Aizawa kicked you guys out, you and Kirishima walked back to his dorm in silence.

Once Kirishima closed the door to his dorm, you started lecturing at him.

"What the hell was that? We were supposed to stop the wedding." 

"You never said anything about stopping the wedding."

"I didn't think I needed to. I thought it was pretty obvious that we didn't want our best friend, your crush, to get married."

"If there's a slight chance that he actually loves her, then I want to see him happy!

"Even if that means you get hurt?"

"I'd do anything for him... Even if that means I get hurt."


You both stayed quiet. You knew Kirishima cared about Bakugou and only wanted to see him happy, but for once, you thought he'd think about himself and how he felt.

After a few seconds, he broke down and hugged you while crying.

"I care about him so much... And I can't stand him with her. And I can't say anything to anyone because they'll see me as selfish." Kirishimas cried.

"No, Kiri... Everyone knows you're not selfish. You're anything but selfish. Even though you wanna see him happy, everyone wants to see you happy, too. You deserve someone who wants to see you happy and will love you no matter what." You said while rubbing his back.

He looked up at you before speaking.

"You remember when you were asking who I liked, and you started naming girls?" he asked.


"You never mentioned your name..."

"Yea, because I know you don't like me."

(Y/N u dumb bitch-)

"Oh... Ok."

"Hey, how about tomorrow we go and buy our outfits for the wedding? You asked.

"Yeah, let's do that."

You hugged him and started walking out of the room.

"Night, Kiri.


Once you got to your room and laid in your bed, you thought. Thought about why you cared so much. Thought 'What if Bakugou actually did love her?'. Thought about why you couldn't be happy for him like Kiri was. Thought that if you were a real friend, you'd let it be. But you didn't. You couldn't. You were so stressed out because you knew that if you and Kiri were wrong and Bakugou did love her, you two would seem like the worst of friends. And would lose Bakugou. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You started to cry. Letting it all out. Without even knowing, you fell asleep while hugging one of your pillows.

~~Next morning~~

When you woke up, your eye lids felt heavy. You didn't feel like getting up. All you wanted to do was stay in bed and eat ice cream.

"Ice cream..." You mumbled to yourself.

You slowly made your way to the kitchen. Suddenly, you stop in your tracks as you see a weirdly calm ash blonde boy taking something out of the fridge.

You tried to stay out of his sight. But after a few seconds of walking, he called out to you.


You kept walking to the kitchen counter as he spoke.

"Katsuki." You said while making popcorn.

"How are y-"

"Don't talk to me like you haven't been avoiding Kirishima and I." You interrupted him.


You jerked your head towards him quickly.

"Don't 'What' Me. The three of us were best friends for months, and then out of nowhere, you ditched us."

"The world doesn't revolve around you two dumbasses. I found someone who made me happy, so I started spending time with her." He said, getting a bit agitated.

"Just because you got a girlfriend doesn't mean you ditch all your friends. And I'm not talking about just me and Eijirou, No, I'm talking about Denki, Mina, Sero, all the people who actually care for you."

"Are you saying my girlfriend doesn't care for me?" He snapped back at you, smoke coming out of his hands as he formed fists.

 "I never said that. But I am saying that if either one of you had real feelings for each other, you would've spoken or hung out before. Or, hear this, told me or Kirishima!" You responded, ready to throw him against a wall.

"You got a lot of nerve talking to me like that, Y/N."

"A lot of nerve?.. I'm saying nothing but the truth. It's not my fault you can't take it. I'm not gonna argue with you because I don't feel like ruining my hair. So if you excuse me." You push him aside to get to the fridge. You took out the ice cream from the freezer and started walking away.

"See you at your wedding." You said before entering the elevator. He just stood there in shock. after a few seconds, he threw mini explosions at the wall. (Dw, they know Bakugou's gonna explode shit so they made the wall explosion proof)

"Just friends" A Kiribaku x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now