chapter 5

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"Ein, which one would you prefer? should we change your hair dye from the front of your hair? or~ should we get you new clothes?" said Valentina sitting at her chair, beside Ein, Ein think hard "I think we should do the hair first," Ein said and looked through the sky they were having a small plan conversation for later, it was afternoon but they were thinking to go outside at night to shop, that would be easier 

Val then asked, "So... I know this would be personal, but what made you do all those...uhh stuff?" Ein didn't speak, at least for 20 seconds "well... It's uh.. hard to explain" he says "ah...well since I was adopted by Michael, I grew up as a weapon, for him he told me about ultimas, he taught me how to make potions, till he decided to hire two more people, though it was normal then, he told me the truth, I knew from the start that all his doings were...wrong" "then why didn't you disobey?" she interrupted "wha-" "why did you still obey when you knew that all of it was wrong? that all he's doing is to cause harm?" 

Ein grew silent "ah- sorry-" "no i-it's alright, even though he knew I could fight, even if I might be strong enough it won't make a change I was young, then, I found out that, aphmau was my half-sister Michael told me I was abandoned and left on the streets, I never get to see him, never get to see who my real parents were but I knew exactly who my parents were, I grew confused, but now that aph is my sister, I should protect her right?"

Val nodded in understatement "but when I did try and befriend her it was difficult but it worked anyway, which.. turned into a huge big misunderstanding and you know it when its highschool you gotta be prepared through rumors" he laughed "but anyway, someone ahem, got a crush on her you know?" Ein said pointing out to someone that Valentina never met

"As I was saying, since uh...Michael found out that aphmau was being protected by Aaron, and his behavior changed, he wants me to pretend, and he said I should anger Aaron, till he breaks" Right, he was clueless as to why Michael wanted to make Aaron breakdown in anger

Now he knows why.

"But after that first death wish fight with him ha... I know now" "so~ this Aaron guy, saw him on the news before, he uhh, was wanted? dunno they said the name was cleared out since the accidents were a false alarm, and was justified as framed or blamed,"  she said now looking at the sky "so about the plan," he said "sure what kind of color though? we can't keep up with just blue you know" another hum was made, as they both start thinking which one "what about pink? you know like one-half of your hair pink?"

"that...wouldn't be bad, I don't really care about any color but...should I keep my ravened hair?" he asked Val then got an idea "how bout we also change your hairstyle into a fluffy one? that would be cute!" Val's eyes were sparkling with excitement "dude you think I'm some kind of make-over barbie doll?" he chuckled "oh come on! just think of it no one would suspect you!" 

she whined Ein snorted "hmm we could... but what about we use blue instead? you know stipes and stuff?" Val sighed in defeat "all right...but wait as in like actual blue-ish?? and some having blue stripes?" she asked, and Ein nodded "ohh~ I can already imagine you with it, to be honest, that would fit you"

she smiled, "well I know how to dye my hair, we could just buy the blues later but I do need some assistance, can't risk ruining my hair y'know?" he chuckled 


after at least 2 hours later Val and Ein decided to buy the most saturated blue color, with a little more help from her brother, they finally finished, it was a lot of mess both Val's hands were blue after seriously forgetting to wear gloves 

gladly after a20 minutes of washing her hands were not blue anymore well at least someone is proud of their new look, but of course, that wasn't the end of their makeup session Val already bought something that can cover eins scars on his face

"do not cover too much, they'll notice me right away, and it'll drag too much attention and suspiciousness" she nodded and started to cover some that were small "I can't cover the big ones it's so visible anyone can see it," she said to him directly and continues to cover the ones that were not seeable

"Done! also your eyes were lime green before, I already healed them, turns out someone forced you to drink some weird-ass potion, and now they can see what you see, I got rid of it and your eyes turn baby blue, it's cute" Ein was surprised " wonder they can see if I were trying to break their plan..." while fixing and brushing his hair 

Valentina has another idea "do they know your eye color before you disappeared?" Val asked Ein shook his head "I do not know... but I guess they do? I mean they did see me having green eyes, though I'm not sure" Val sat down on her bed, "how about we buy some eye contacts? would they still know you?"

that made Ein think " hmm that would be useful, but that doesn't mean we're about to get run by them. I mean yeah it's useful, but is it really necessary?" Val shrugged "eh, worth a shot, I mean we could just buy at least one eye contact right?" "..."

Ein relaxed and puts down the comb he borrowed "sure...we could buy one" and Val chuckled again "alright what color?" "yellow?" Val didn't answer then heard a Ping! at his brother's phone

then heard his brother shout "Val!, don't use all my money!" She didn't respond but she laughed 

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