chapter 30

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"It is a fate for you to give us your Aura, but you refused just to love a monster"

"Do you understand why we need your Power to kill him?"

My body is trembling

Everything hurts, every inch of my body is in pain

I could not move to even lookup

"Do you think that your love for him will be returned?"

I tried to open my eyes but failed

I think again

Where am I?

"It's time. Let us win this war once and for all"

The person left the room

Once he left, everything fell into silence

But It's too quiet...


I jolted up awake hitting my head on someone I groaned

"oh- that hurts- man what the heck?" I said

I looked at the person I hit my head against who was also groaning to see it was Aaron

"Geez... Did you have a nightmare? I mean I was, trying to wake you up but you weren't responding-" He said

My eyes widening with the guilt I slowly looked around

I saw the same book I was supposed to be reading but have no memory of doing so

"Sorry?..." I said "it's fine- morning by the way you should eat now, Mellisa made some pancakes"

He said and sat down beside me fixing his hair

I stood up and stretched my arms

I yawned and looked for my phone

"It's already 9 am so hurry up and eat downstairs before I devour all those delicious honey," He said jokingly

I chuckled and looked at him "yeah sure, you could do that without having a tummy ache" Along with that I left the room to eat


"I did say I was going to explain to you why I don't have a memory of you right?"

Ein nodded "yes you did" Aaron then looked around no one was there except for the two of them

They were on a top balcony where no one can hear them though they can see the sun going down slowly

The wind helped them not to get sweaty though

Aaron sighed "Aph lied about my memory loss, my memory loss wasn't because of being silly and accidentally tripping on something hitting my head on a rock"

"The time I remembered everything about everyone accordingly, my parents... Well dead, except for my mom who luckily survived, my dad... Well"

Ein frowned He wasn't there to witness what happened but he already predicted it

"He didn't make it..." Ein said looking down at his knees he was near the fence where he sat while Aaron was leaning in towards it

"Yes, he didn't make it, after everything, I always felt something was missing and I don't know why, my heart aches every time I try to remember what was missing"

"I couldn't get why I was feeling that way" He took a glance at Ein

Ein could feel him staring

"Not until I heard them talk about you, they always ignore my questions, and sometimes they always change the subject"

"Not until I tried to investigate on my own" Aaron smiled

"To be honest that was the greatest decision I've ever made"

Ein was stunned by his words he couldn't say anything

"I'm glad I did, if not then I wouldn't get the chance to meet you" His words were like honey

Eins heart slowly melted from how his words affected him

As small tears form in his eyes

"I'd finally got a chance to know you"

Ein feels somehow guilty

And thoughts started forming around his mind

What if Aaron finally finds out about their past?

About what he had done

that he was the cost of his pain?

That he let himself be a puppet

"So what do you say? Do you want to continue our newfound friendship?" Aaron said with honesty he does want to know his history with him

And to what he had done for his 'old self' to react violently

Ein didn't even realize he was crying now

He never felt Aaron's kindness towards him, he never did But this feeling hurts him

It hurts him that by the time Aaron remembers everything Aaron will have to End him.

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