Chapter 46 [final]

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A/N: wasn't listening to hayloft 2, and Fairytale while writing this lol

Ein was once again trapped in his mind, this time, it was different

There a person who looks injured stood still in front, the place was a white void

"Sorry I'm quite late...but I'll make it up for you," The man says

"Who... Who are you?" Ein asks

The male smiles at him "gold"


Aaron stood up, waiting for another attack, as Michael walked toward him

"You all are foolish"

"You all think I can't kill you? That I can't end you."

Aphmau slowly gets up, opening her eyes as she saw Aaron Cornered

Her eyes widen, she can't let Michael touch him, her rage grew

Her eyes glows white, as she summoned the sword of Irene

On her hands, she slowly got up

"Don't... Don't touch him!" She then sprinted to him, successfully Damaging Micheal's back

She then stabs him in his spine, letting go of the sword which slowly fades away

She get to Aaron and blocked the way, "aphmau? What are you doing, you'll get hurt" Aaron said behind her

"I don't care, I don't want you to get hurt more, I'm not going to be useless this time" As wings show up at her back

Two twin swords of Irene shows

Michael got back to himself and charged at aphmau, aphmau blocks it with her sword

They now fight, as the others struggled to get out of the vines

Aphmau took care of the distraction, Hitting him endlessly

Multiple scars were made, her sword was effective, but the scars were not healing him

Aphmau was doing great, she puts her anger to her attack, making her more alert

Michael couldn't plant an attack on her

He struggles to get an attack

Then he grabs her by the wings shoving her to the ground

"YOU DARE USE HER POWER AGAINST ME? YOU USELESS MORTAL" She then gets thrown across the room

She couldn't get up as her back hurt

Anger grew to Aaron, making his aura show, Lucinda saw it

She grows worried

As the same thing might happen again

Everything was going a little too fast, and some can't process what was happening as they were injured badly

Are they bound to lose?

Aaron tried to give him another punch, which failed as he was also punched back making him go to a wall, breaking it

Travis saw Ein get up

He was confused, Ein was badly injured, how can he get up?...

Travis then felt overwhelmed, the energy from Ein made him feel so uneasy

After all, part of him is still a part of a demon

Lucinda noticed Ein stood up

She looks at him with surprise, she was finally free from the vines, he doesn't know why but the feeling she has was also overwhelming

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