chapter 11

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It had been two days after the hangout they both had Aaron and him often talk, mostly at night

Lucinda was doubting her guess of The person in the photo, but she didn't get it when they saw him at the arcade, She saw it

Ein's soul, Ein's Baby-blue Aura looks so innocent when it isn't. But that wasn't her place to judge, although she did think he was the Evil Once.

She sighed and lays down on her bed, Mellisa was taking a bath, and she then sits up again, something was bothering her, and she wasn't sure what it was

Until she remembered the book Mellisa almost gave her until they were interrupted

She took the book out of her drawer and looked at the cover... It's

"What the actual hell? It's Greek.."

The title of the book is in Greek she can translate it since she was a huge nerd before, took it to another level when she turned 14, she was so curious to learn even now she still knows how to read them without problems

Journal 1.0

An experiment on the blood of an ultima

'A journal?' She reads the date of what year it was made, and to her surprise this was made before the storm [The event]

Mellisa came in, and she was fully clothed, "you okay?- oh is that the book I want you to translate for me? I couldn't understand any of it I think it's ancient" She says and grabs a comb to brush her hair

"It isn't ancient, it's just... A journal, it was made before the storm" She hums and turns toward her "so... The journal was made before the crazy event huh" She says, and Luci nodded

"Yes... It was recent, and it says it's some sort of experiment about an ultima's blood, is that the reason they wanted Aaron back then? That time when Aaron was kidnapped? What do they even actually want?" She says confused, and back at the arcade

She noticed that the boy was alone... She saw how shocked he was seeing Aaron, but Aarons's kindness stunned him she wasn't so sure of anything anymore, but there was hope she was right

Why would Ein just give this big info for no particular reason? As if it's something to pass on almost all the time as if it's not so important, but he was in a hurry in Mellisa's perspective of telling her how she got it from him

As if Ein was hiding from someone, from Something.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna be busy for a week..." She says, Mellisa rais a brow, "why?" She asked "translating the hell outta this duh," Lucinda says, making Mellisa chuckle "okay? But I'll be the one monitoring you so you can take breaks, sometimes you're a workaholic" She smiles at her

Luci only scuffs, "yeah yeah, whatever"


"Daydreaming again little loverboy?" Val says startling Ein, "uh... No?, maybe" He says Val's grin sent little shivers under Eins skin "oh gosh please I don't wanna talk about two days ago-" He says burying his face down his hands

"You're acting as if you're a high schooler who just found out they had a crush on this one cute... Or hot fellow," Val says I groaned "cuz... I've... Never experienced real love, like actual me falling in love deeply, so remember the shit thing? Incest shit of a rumor?" He says looking up

"Yeah?" "Well... I forced myself to believe it... I... Made myself believe I was in love with her... But that was before I could even know she was my half-sibling" He finished and buried his face down again


"Oh jeez, seriously if you encounter them again and you have to tell them shit, damn you need an actual therapist like seriously, I mean if you want I can be your therapist," She says, Ein lets another sigh appear

"Sure... But I don't think we can have actual shit of a schedule since you also gonna be busy" He said, Val sat down with him

"How about... Every Saturday? Cuz usually I'm always free I rarely get busy" She says "so that time?" "Yes, that time when you hang out with Aaron, that was when one of my ass of a big sis wants me to help her finish her essays of love," She says and whines "I want to spy on you guys but I can't~"

Ein choked on his spit "what are you? A stalker?" He says, it's only been a week since he stayed at Val's apartment and he already got comfortable, well thank hades I guess.

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