Chapter 42

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A/N: this chapter might look rushed, sorry, but I tried my best to make it longer! Don't worry there's more :)

While the party goes on when the news of Michael was spread to their group They made sure to keep an eye out, they stayed in groups Val and Katelyn were paired together while Aaron was yet again alone wandering off

Just looking through things When he reached the second floor he was impressed by how many people were there at the party

While walking he bumps into someone he looks at them to apologize "I'm sorry-" His eyes then widened, and he froze He was holding some food to be served, he looks at his eyes they were lifeless

"Can I do something for you?" Ein asks Aaron couldn't respond "If there is nothing I'll be moving" Ein goes and walks away, but was grabbed by Aaron "Ein?..." He stuttered Ein looks at him expressionless "Do I know you?"

His heart dropped, he couldn't think, should he take him with the others or leave him be? He doesn't know... "Well then, if you do not answer I'll be going now," Ein said coldly

He sounded annoyed, so Aaron let go of him Before Aaron could reach out again, Ein was nowhere to be seen He was gone...

Time once again moved fast It was midnight now, and nothing seems to have happened Except for Aaron who was drinking endlessly 

He was passed out at the small bar, he quickly got shaken up by a stranger he woke up "You alright there bud? Woah thought we lost you there, here have some water" The stranger gives him, and he drinks it and then slowly got up "You seem to be having a rough time, what's up?" He asks "uhm...nothing it's uh... Personal" He replied

"Hm, you don't have to tell me, just say yes or no if you are having a bad mood or something, I'll try and help" The stranger chimes at him

Patting him on the back "Well... I sorta am, it's uhm, I'm still processing some, but yes I am" He finally said, with his vision back, he can finally see who the stranger was, the stranger looks taller than Aaron

With curvy hair with a ponytail at the back of his head, he'd pass as a Greek god for sure "Ah, I see just try and calm yourself slowly, trust me it works more than drinking all day, saying from experience~," The male said

"The names Max, nice to meet ya" He takes out his hand, and Aaron shakes his hand "You can call me Aaron..." He said "Nice name, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here" He gives Aaron his number

Aaron accepted it, but as soon as Max was called by his other friends he left Aaron alone Aaron then proceeded to remember what he was supposed to do or what he was supposed to keep a lookout for, he quickly gets up and tried to find his friends

He was in the crowd trying to get out of it, the announcer or Michael...comes back again to say some news...

Aaron panicked as soon as he saw Ein by his side, just standing there like a guard protecting the king

"Sorry to interrupt your fun, but~ just want to make another piece of news" As soon as he said that, the entrance was locked and guards were surrounding it 

Aaron needs to hurry...

The crowd was confused, everyone was inside, Lucinda taps Aaron "Aaron- the backyard it's surrounded by guards! The beach was closed-" She said, along with the group behind her They were all here, trapped

"Oh right! There's this game I've been waiting to play with all of you" A big grin was shown "It's called, hunting." Every guard took out a shining purple dagger, and one guard attacks one guy

The person passed out there was no injury, but his soul was sucked out of him He looks pale, the crowd panicked and started screaming, running around Aaron and then leading his group to a random place, when Michael disappeared they all went up and found a room

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