chapter 31

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After their talk to the top balcony near the beach, they went home to relax Aaron tried his best to comfort him after he realized that Ein was crying

Ein though when they got home they didn't speak to one another for the whole day Val noticed it though but didn't ask anything

But there was a piece of big news that startles everyone but laughed at it

It turns out it wasn't a full-on two months Vacation, it was only a one-week and two days vacation

At least they could still cherish the memories they were making on their small vacation

It wasn't a big deal though at least they could still have fun

Ein was back in his room re-reading the book he bought that he didn't have a memory of reading it

Quite interesting how similar some of the character's personality is to the rest of the people here on his vacation with him

The Prince's name was Xinyi Gold

The golden youth of a fallen kingdom that was once full of riches

Ein was sometimes a nerd for trying to learn more about history

But he didn't care at least he has some knowledge about it

The next character was a warrior

Avary Lynette the warrior of the book, some of his silent traits are somehow similar

To Aaron's high school edgy guy phase, the only traits he has that relate to Aarons Current self is from how kind and patient he was

Ein didn't even realize that Aaron entered the room fully naked

Aaron took advantage of Eins distracted gaze on the book and tries to put clothes on as fast as he could since his towel was still wet

Still drying off

while changing Aaron did manage to put on some shorts, Though Ein is already done reading two chapters of the book he turns around to see Aaron

half-naked who was about to put on some T-shirt

why does this happen to him? always witnessing him half-naked Ein slammed a hand on his face and sighed he decided to ignore the situation and went out to drink water

several hours later, Ein was still glued to the book and kept on reading it leaving the others to worry 

but Val told them that 'Elvis' was a bookworm that likes reading, if he gets a little too interested in the book he gets more glued to it, it'll only take a while till Ein finally gets out of the room


as night time comes by

Ein has trouble sleeping once again

he couldn't stop thinking, his wet dreams about Aaron somehow stopped and he doesn't know if he should get worried or not, well, at least he wasn't dreaming of it anymore, it was much easier that way 

he sighed and turned the other way, now looking at the window, the sky was visible there

he groans softly and got up trying not to wake Aaron up, he looks for his phone and left the room


Ein was now outside, the others didn't hear him, they were all asleep, the lights out were still open some stores are also open only a few people were awake at this sort of hour

Ein sighed, maybe the beach is his only option to breathe some air, without having any conversation with anyone

as he walks his way to the town near the beach, he realizes soon enough it is cold

he didn't bring anything that would warm him up, not until he was on the sand

standing right in front of the ocean sea

he sits down looking at the sand, he doesn't have anything to do here, he was alone with his thoughts but he didn't care

he was alone

and that was enough


it had been 20 minutes, he was still sitting looking at the sky he hasn't said a word he was quiet everything was so peaceful

no one to bother him at all

he was only humming, this was a chance for him to show his 'wolf ears' no one was here anyway 

his tail wagging slowly enjoying this not-so-permanent freedom of the night, he doesn't remember much about how he got his wolf form back, and he wasn't sure he wanted to remember

"Ein? thank Irene you here- I thought you ran away or something-" 

He hears Aaron, it startled him how Aaron was awake, fully sweating from running down the town "I didn't have time to wake the others so I ran on my own" he said, Ein sees his wolf ears

Now looking at his eyes that were halfway glowing through his shadow, he looks away as he remembers what 'Aaron did to him in the past he shakes the memory off

by saying "don't worry I won't run away, sorry I should've left a note or a text- something like that" he says, but he was cut off by Aaron's arms wrapping themselves around him 

Aaron was behind him panting "it okay- it's alright- I'm just glad you didn't run away" Aaron said between his panting, still catching his breathe "I followed your scent- that's how I ended up finding you" he explains 

Ein speechless by the sudden worry, he nodded in response 

Aaron lets go of him, to sit beside him "hey...uhm, what exactly are you doing here in like- I don't know, three in the morning?" Aaron asks, Ein smiled at him "I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to breath actual air, so I traveled my way here" Ein said still not looking at Aaron

but knows he was listening

"your ears and tail look beautiful they have this kind of vibe where it's half-silvered or something but either way their gorgeous" Ein fluttered "oh...uhm" 

his ears went down by the compliment "thanks..." Aaron noticed his sudden shyness and chuckled Ein guessed that Aaron's eyes were back to normal 

so he looks at him, his ears and tail still there, they look fluffy, he wondered if Aph would've used that as an advantage to make Aaron's tail like a huggable and cuddly pillow

he looks away again "I think we should head back," Ein says and stood up, then he hid his form away Aaron did the same and agreed with him

this time they were walking, Ein knew that Aaron cannot sprint this time he was aware of that so they both spent their time talking while heading back to sleep for the night

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