chapter four

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Dinner felt awkward. Zianna and Garte seemed oblivious to the tension between Garroth, Vylad, and I. Zane seemed amused by the aura, and Kandi was more curious than ever. After dinner, she insisted I answer her many questions. I was thankful when Laurance picked me up. I still cannot drive myself.

I didn't comment about the dinner to Laurance. I didn't talk about what happened before then, except that I worked on homework with Vylad. I know Garroth won't say anything to Laurance, and Vylad would respect me enough not to unless I made the first initiative to.

It's ten o'clock at night. I've said that I wish to settle for the night, so I know Laurance or Cadenza would come to my room unless they knocked and needed something. There's a sudden desire to read a book. I haven't had much time to myself to read for fun. A textbook is nothing but a bore.

I make it about three pages in before there's a tapping on my window. I lift an eyebrow before turning my eyes over to the glass. There's a heavy sigh escaping my lips before putting my bookmark into the page and setting the book to the side. I open the window, and Garroth plops himself in. He hasn't changed for the night. He must've snuck out because I know Zianna would want him to stay inside so late on a school night.

"Garroth, it's after ten o'clock. What are you doing here?"

He looks up at me before shutting the window. "What? No welcome kiss?"

"We saw each other less than four hours ago." I groan, sitting on my bed.

Garroth doesn't sit next to me and instead pulls out my desk's chair. He straddles it before looking in my direction. I pull my shirt further down the front of my thighs to cover more of what my shorts don't. I suddenly feel self-conscious.

"I'm assuming you want to talk about what happened earlier today."

Garroth nods.

Our voices remain hushed during this hour. The house is typically quiet, and it makes it easier for sound to slip into the hallway. Anybody passing by may hear Garroth's voice or question who I'm speaking with.

"You know that's something Vylad often does, Gar," I sigh, dropping my attention down to my lap. "He doesn't know of our relationship. I was against it, but he continued anyway. He would stop if he did."

"Would he?"

My eyes widen at his accusation of his own brother. Is he truly doubting Vylad right now? "Garroth, this is your brother. You know Vylad better than that."

His mouth closes. Neither one of us talks for quite some time. I don't think either of us has anything to say.

I stand from my spot and walk towards him. He looks up at me before beginning to rise from his seat. He's now looking down at me. "I do, you're right on that. I'm just jealous."

My lips twinge up in a small smile. He's jealous of his own brother. I find it both equally silly and cute. "I'll talk to Vylad with an excuse as to why I don't wish for it to continue. This would be far more simple if he knew."

"I know, but he can't."

I press a kiss against his cheek and look towards the window. "You should go. Before you get caught. I'll see you in school tomorrow."

By the time he leaves, I've lost all interest in reading. The idea of being on my phone doesn't sound appealing. I can't help but call it a night and go directly to bed.


Garroth makes it seem as though nothing ever happened between us last night. Like, I never sent him away with a conclusion I have no idea how to satisfy. A conclusion I don't want to have to face any time soon.

"What even happened last night?" Kandi walks beside me, and we hug our books to our chest on our way to class. She acts like her words wouldn't be taken out of context from passing ears.

"You make it sound like I had sex," I retort, no desire to discuss the conversation more. Kandi begs to differ on my feelings, and I can't help but to roll my eyes. "Your brother simply walked in on Vylad and I as we were lying down. I said no, but Vylad insisted, as I've gone mad."

"Sounds intimate," she snickers, her smile rising at the corner of her mouth. "He probably wasn't expecting to see that. Are sparks flying between you and my brother?"

I stare at her, my eyebrows furrowed together. I go on a wild hinge and hope she's talking about Vylad, so I don't have to lie once more. "With Vylad? Of course not. Vylad's always been this way."

"I guess," she says. "It just seems flirty."

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