chapter eighteen

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It feels strange to be on the giving end. Cadenza has always done my hair for everything, so it's different to have Cadenza sit in a chair while I curl her hair. She's staring at me through the mirror, and it feels a bit awkward because she's doing that.

"Al, can I ask you a question?"

I look up at her, our eyes meeting through our reflection. I look back at her hair wrapped around the hot metal before letting the curl drop down the back of the chair. She has such long, beautiful hair.

"What's up? You know you can ask me anything?"

Wrapping her hair on the curling iron is possibly the most annoying thing in the entire world. It's so long, so it forces me to take a large amount of time on each strand. The end result is worth it because Cadenza doesn't put curls like this into her hair often. It's gorgeous when she does.

"Are you and Garroth dating?"

"What?" I ask through a small laugh, shaking my head before dropping another curl. I stop to spray hairspray along what I've curled. There thankfully isn't much more to do. "That's a crazy question. But no, no, I'm single."

That's the first time I've been able to tell the truth about this for far too long. It feels good not to be hiding anything like this anymore.

"Alright. It just seemed like you two were spending a lot of time together, is all. More than you used to."

I shrug with a soft sigh. A few more curls are done. Her makeup is finished. Cadenza's cap and gown is hanging from the door. I can't help but look at the picture sitting on her dresser. Still in pigtails and bows. Missing a front tooth or two. I couldn't tie my shoelaces on my own then. Now I can, but my sister is graduating.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that now. My next three months are yours before you go off to college."

There's a final spritz of hairspray before she stands from her place. Her robe is wrapped tightly around her body as she stares up at the yellow gown. I know her graduation dress is hidden behind the tied fabric.

She stops me from grabbing the gown and places her hands on my shoulders. We lock eyes with one another before I smile up at her. I don't know why she has been looking at me for as long as she has been.

Cadenza lifts a bit of fabric from my dress' skirt before letting it fall against my leg. "Maybe the roles will be switched two years in the future," she comments, offering a smile in return. She kisses the top of my head before reaching for her gown, placing the cap lazily on my head. "My smart little sister."


"Shouldn't you be with Cadenza?"

"She's on her last trip with her class before they break away forever," I respond, running my hand through my curls. They're already fading back to being straight strands of hair. "She should be back early tomorrow morning."

He nods before picking up his sweatshirt, throwing it at my head. It slips down the side of the top before falling on my lap. I can't help but to playfully glare at him for messing up my hair even more. "You're too fancy looking. Put that on."

I find his words to be highly laced in bullshit, but give in anyway. The house is a bit chilly, so I may as well. Besides, it'd make Vylad happy, and he wouldn't continue to bring it up. "Juniors, eh?"

He lays down on the bed and looks over at me. I place a pillow on my upper lap for modesty before laying down on my back beside him, turning my head to the side, so my cheek rests on the comforter.

"We'll lose the two flirts after one more year."

"The school will be ours."

Laughter leaks from under my door, through the crack, and into the hallway from how silly we sound. We'll never be the big kids. We'll forever be those three little brats who climbed up a grade, and we'll forever live in the shadow of reputations that our siblings have created for us. But for Vylad and Kandi, two brats that transferred from O'Khasis Prep. I'm the brat who was homeschooled for a good portion of her life.

These past few weeks have gone well, and Vylad has been with me every step of the way. He never once leaves my side, but I can't help but feel like I'm taking him for granted. He tries to reassure me constantly that I'm not and that's what friends are for. I don't know if he's mistaking things a friend does for mistakes a person in love makes. I think Vylad's aware of this too.

"You gave Garroth back his stuff, right?"

The conversation goes downhill once Vylad brings this up. It doesn't hurt like it did before. I'm getting better. I'm feeling happier.

"Yeah. I had more than I thought, so I gave it to him in a box. He stopped coming to my window after that."

"And the study sessions are done?"

"They were cover ups for spending time together. They're definitely done."

I feel him reach for my hand and awkwardly grasp onto it. He squeezes, and this forces my attention back on him. His eyes sparkle as he looks at me, and I can't help but smile.

"You should tell Laurance. I think it's time."

"I know."

"And Kandi."

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