Reunion - Part 20

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The sunlight trickled in through the curtains, creeping up Rex's body until it crossed his eyelids. He stirred in his sleep, finally opening his eyes and stretching his arms above his head. Rolling onto his side, he surveyed Senna's sleeping form. She was laying on her stomach, the duvet resting just below her bare shoulder blades. Her face was turned towards him, her hands tucked under the pillows with her hair spilling across her shoulders and down her back. A single errant curl was hanging over her cheek, tickling the tip of her nose. She scrunched her nose in her sleep and Rex stifled a chuckle as he carefully reached over and brushed it behind her ear.

He hadn't planned on asking her to marry him the night before, but as she'd knelt there before him, he could see her fear, and in that moment, he wanted there to be no doubt of his intentions. The look on her face when she'd confessed that she'd given in to the temptation to use her abilities in that way had shattered him. She had been afraid I would think less of her, that I'd hate her. And I never could. Even when I was the most angry I've ever been with her, even when she was gone, I never hated her. I'm not even sure I can say I loved her any less.

He'd wondered if he should have brought her a ring or something, but in the end, he knew that just asking would be enough. Senna wasn't one for material symbolism, and seeing as she'd already etched his Jaig eyes into her finger, it had felt as though she'd already made up her mind to marry him and was just waiting on him to catch up.

I got there, my love. Just took a while.

The sunlight was working its way up her back, and he knew it would only be a short while before it would shine on her face, but he couldn't bring himself to wake her before then. The glow caught her brown hair, illuminating the wild waves. Rex smirked as he gently ran his fingers through it. The sunlight caught on a strand of silver that was intermingled with the brown, and he paused. Looking closer, he could see a few more greys peppered throughout her mane, and his thoughts drifted back to her words the night before.

I wish I could give her another fifty years. I have maybe twenty left. But I'll spend every second of however many years I am blessed with making her happy. It'll never be enough, but it'll be what it is.

He knew she wouldn't leave the rebellion, that the farm she'd imagined was out of reach as long as the Empire existed, but he resolved to make up for that in any way he could. In another lifetime, I'd take that farm in a heartbeat. Maybe someday, we'll get there. Just not yet.

My wife.

He hadn't said the words out loud, but as he watched her sleep, he tested them out on his tongue, mouthing them at Senna as she slept. The feel of it was so natural that a lump rose in his throat.

My wife, Senna Atiniir.

He was grinning like a fool, but couldn't be bothered to care. Quietly, he slipped out of the bed, snagging his pants on his way to the refresher to relieve himself. As he came back out to the room after finishing his business, there was a soft knock at the door. Rex paused, glancing at the bed. Senna wasn't awake, and he wondered if he should wake her quickly. Surely it's nothing.

Cracking the door open, he came face to face with a young man he recognized from the night before. Tarkin's aide.

"I'm terribly sorry to call on you this early, Commander, but Moff Tarkin was wondering if you would be so kind as to join him at breakfast."

Rex's mind raced. Why would he want this? Do I wake Senna? If I say 'no', will that raise suspicion?

The aide noted his discomfort, misinterpreting it. "You don't need to wear a uniform or anything."

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