Where's Peter?

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It's been days since the Stark Party and Peter couldn't shake the feeling that he was the cause of Mj's distance.

After his dance with Gwen he went to search for Mj. He went towards his group of friends hoping MJ was there and that she hadn't left.

But he saw her and he stopped. She was breathtaking. Her head tilted back and eyes closed she was laughing at something Kate has whispered in her ear.

However when he made himself know by walking towards her. He noticed that she stiffened.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

She nodded and smiled but Peter noticed it didn't quite reach her eyes.

And since than Mj hasn't texted him back or would only talk to him in short responses. She would only talk to him in short responses and in noddes.

So he knew something was up so he wanted to do something too, maybe pull her out of her shell and get her back to normal.

So Peter came up with a plan.

Mj has been having a shit week.

Ever since Starks party the thoughts got the best of her. She was ignoring Peter because she wanted to keep her feelings at bay. The kids were the only thing she could think about all week and she shouldn't be thinking about it. She knows Peter could tell she was keeping her distance and she was grateful he gave her space but today was Valentine's Day and as much as she wanted to keep her distance she wanted to see him. Yet he was nowhere to be seen.

When Mj walked over to her locker she saw a note sticking out of the vent.

Mj unfolded the note which read.

"Mj im not good at rhymes but just know that you are the best and I have a surprise for you but you need to find me first. So you're probably wondering where? You might find me where you drew me going through a crisis. ;)"

The detention room!

Mj put the note in her pocket and put her books in her locker before bolting to the detention center room.

She couldn't believe Peter was sending her on a chase after him.

When she got to the detention room she looked through the window before opening the door but she didn't see him so when she walked in she was confused.

She looked around maybe for another note and her eyes landed on a book that looked familiar.

When she grabbed it her hand brushed against the title. This had been the book she wanted the last time she went to the bookstore with Peter.

He remembered.

She opened up the book to flip through the pages but it opened wide open with another note.

"I remember you wanted this book even if you didn't tell me you wanted it. You kept looking at it going back to it and thought me and Ned didn't notice. Lol so Happy Valentine's Day Mj. But you still haven't found me! You might find me in the place where we shared our first bite on campus when Ned was sick!"

This boy was going to drive her crazy. She didn't want to love him but then he did things like notice her, see her, understand her.

Now she knew where she had to head off too. The bleachers by the football field. They had lunch there one day when Ned wasn't at school and they didn't feel like being in the cafeteria.

One she got there she noticed a web under the bleachers holding something with a note.
When she got closer she saw her favorite snacks, Gummy Worms.

Peter always gets her gummy worms during movie nights and it quickly became her favorite snack as they would share them on the couch.

She grabbed the other note and opened it up.

"Okay so this might be your last clue. You might find me where we could be just us. Just you and me."

MJ's heart leaped. The words rang in her head "where we could be just us. Just you and me."

She knew where.

The rooftop of the building. No one knew that they had found a way to get to the roof. One day after decathlon practice they were just walking around campus just trying to waste time and they stumbled across a door that led to a ladder that took them to the roof.

God this boy was going to drive her insane. She wanted to stop. Wanted him to leave her alone so she could be heart broken by herself and move on. But boy she could get enough of him she wanted nothing more to love him and that's what she would do. She would play pretend and love him enough to allow him to pursue another. She knew once this was over Peter would still be there for her but she would know that in his rank of people she would get pushed down a podium to make space for Gwen Stacy.

So now she stood in front of the ladder wondering if she climbed up to the roof.

After a quick thought about not wanting Peter to be hurt by her not showing up she climbed but she was also curious.

So she climbed and pulled herself up to the roof.

But Peter was nowhere to be seen. However, there was a blanket and pillows on the floor. She walked over to it and saw a note on the floor on top of the blanket. So she picked it up and read,

"Turn Around."

She quickly spun around and saw him.

Peter was standing in front of her with flowers in one hand and a basket in another.

"Hey Mj, Happy Valentine's Day," he said, giving the most awkward and goofy grin.

He continued, obviously getting nervous, that Mj hadn't said anything,"I brought us some sandwiches and snacks so we could eat during the sunset."

Mj didn't know what to say to Peter. So she walked over to him. He looked nervous, maybe he wouldn't think that she would like this because he knew that she wasn't one for grand gestures. When MJ finally reached him she threw her hands around his shoulders in a hug and dug her face into his neck. "Thank you." She whispered.

Peter wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head on top of hers. "Anytime Mj, now let's eat." He laughed as he pulled away and grabbed her hand and led her to sit on the blankets.

Peter pulled out a couple of sandwiches he bought from their favorite sub spot and a couple snacks and drinks.

As they ate they talked about everything:; Aunt May, Ned and his current crush on Betty Brant, school, The Avengers, and Morgan.

Until the sun started to set and they were finished with their food and they now layed down on the blankets with Peter arms rested under MJs head and holding her close.

"Thank you for today Peter. Even though you didn't have to. Thank you Mj said looking at him." She said,

"You're welcome Mj and I know I didn't have to but you're kinda my girlfriend so I wanted to." He said.

Something about the way he said it brought her comfort but it also broke her heart a bit because she was his girlfriend but not his real one.

"Isn't it beautiful," Mj said as she looked over to the sun setting.

"Yea it is", he said but never removing his eyes from Mj.

Happy Valentine's Day GUYSSSSS!!! Have a nice day with your loved ones!!! And hope you enjoy this chapter!

Here and Now, It Was Us (A Peter x MJ Insta FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now