chapter 1

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The weather was nice and i was sitting with my twin sister in our house in India. We were studying because  tomorrow we have our exam and as we are the one who study a day before the exams so we both are studying quietly for the first time without any argument.

We miss our parents alot because they live in South Korea and they sent us here for studies. We were not very attached with our dad because from last 9 years we have met him for 2 times only. But our mother use to come and visit us in every 2 or 3 months and stay with us for 1 week.  Those weeks were felt like most beautiful moments which brings happiness. We always wished that time would slow down for that moment so we can keep her by our side for little longer .

But you know we can't do that. Now it's 6 months and my mother didn't came to meet us. My sister Naina was very upset but we know that we have to study well to request our parents for taking us there with them.



I woke up and saw the clock it was only 30 min left for our school to start. I guess we both slept while studying last night , I wake Naina up and we get ready quickly  and hurried  towards  our examination  hall. The benefit  of having a twin sister is like we don't  have to sit in the different  class and as we are of same age and the child of same parents our brain cells are alike . And yeah we are not the smart and topper students  we were always  back benchers who secure good marks just but studying  a day before the exam.
Because  we know 2 arts that is most important  for every backbencher  that is .... The art of writing something  and The art of cheating. And in these 2 arts we both are the gold have gold medal.
We all have our secret codes to convey our answers  to each other so we don't  have to worry much about the marks.

After the exam i went to washroom and  I heard shouting of someone  outside from the play ground and as i am the curious child, I just wash up myself and came running  in playground there i saw akash was holding the collar of nikhil.

Naina came towards me and said "yah!!  Geetanjali don't you dare to interfere in there fight " .

I thought for a minute and then ran towards them and kicked the balls of Akash, he groaned loudly then her girlfriend Radhika came towards me and she raise her hand to slap me,just then my cute sister came and slap her hard. Then she slap me also and said

"She is my sister don't you dare to mess  with her ok, I am the only one who can slap her"

Then we both went towards nikhil and ayush was also there waiting for us with nikhil , I asked
"Nik what happened, what was the matter"

By cutting me off Naina said," what's the matter with you, ( pointing towards me ) I told you not to interfere ... but you have to poke your butt in others matter".

Geetanjali," I don't  think i have done anything wrong by kicking his ball he deserved that".

Then Nik replied us, " Nothing, that bloody  basterd was checking out the girls and, when he watched Nikita and said she has big booty i warned him leave her don't say anything to her but he kept on saying vulgar things".

I asked, " U like nikita" .

Naina replied , "wohhhh!!!! Nik weds Nikita , how cute".

Ayush said,"Geetanjali, look someone is blushing".

All 3 of us howled together "woooohhhh!!!!".

Suddenly out of nowhere our personal bodyguard came and said something in naina's ears, she gasped loudly.

Then he go back to his place.

I asked what he said she replied me ," yahhhh!!! We are going Korea "

WTF  she said , wait she mean it , is this not a dream ,  we have completed our school we are going in  college and in Korea to, we are going to live with our parents. I was stunned at that time i was happy, excited and  emotional. Nothing came out of my mouth.

Then I heard someone was calling me and I was snapped back from my thoughts because  she slapped my butt and said come back to you sense idiot. And then i start chasing her because  how dare she slap my butt...

- yahh!! U little brat wait.

-No, i know  u will beat me.

- where u will go we live in the same house baby.

And i smirked

- So what, till then u will forget and will forgive me.

- No never

- my 2 min elder sister whatever  u say byeeee~ meet you at house.

She take the keys from our driver's hand and drove to our house we three me, our bodyguard and our driver were standing in front of our school.

After half an hour we came back to our house and Naina was nowhere to be find.

I watched every room she was No where, I shouted out from my lungs but she didn't answer.

Now i was getting worried, what happened the car is parked in front of our house but she is nowhere to find  everything is on the place what happened.

When I walk out of our house I saw her talking to our bodyguard. By looking at her face i can say she was broken.
What happened to her why she is like this.

I came near them and heared that ," we will depart tomorrow in morning, do the required arrangements ".

Then she came towards me and ordered me " Geetu, go and pack your bags right now without any further argument.

I know this face she was fucking serious but what happened why she is behaving like this.

I came back to our shared room,yes we share our room because we both are scared of darkness and we love to cuddle each other at night. I start packing my stuffs and same goes to her she was also doing the same without uttering a word. Then my stomach growled loudly she chuckled and said.

"You should have told me u are hungry".

"But, u were angry, i was sacred to say anything to you".

"What a innocent sister i have".she said in dramatic tone.

"Wait, here i will bring something for you, till then finish it up I have approx finished my packing ".

I mumbled " okay".

Then she came back with Maggie and coke and we both start digging it together.

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