Chapter 8

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Soobin just hugged them tightly and with there condition he got to know that they are now aware about the reality that's why they are broken. He know he have to be there for them because when her mother died they have taken care of him for 1 month like there own sisters and that time they were only 10 years old but they acted like 20. They use to calm him down and tried to make him smile they didn't know much about the death and all but they know that his mother was gone with God in his palace. so they use to comfort him and now its his time to give back there kindness. But it's not his kindness only because now there relationships is bonded like brother and sisters. They nag each other they scold and fight with each other they comfort each other.

Soobin said," Hey you guys are stronger then that why to be bothered with the thing which is not yours, just go for the things which only belongs to you. Remember when you and your friends have broken the window panes but were not felt guilty about that because that person which was our neighbor doesn't deserve your attention".

They got to know what Soobin wants to convey with his words and they nodded, then Soobin wiped the tears from there eyes and smiled.

All these were seen by yoongi he was shocked but was feeling something off about there relationship he want to be on Soobin's position but soon he shrugged off his thoughts and called Soobin again and said to come in his room now and left the hall where they were standing.

Then Soobin also left for yoongi's room and both the girls went inside there room. They both looked at each other with broken smile. And hugged each other tightly. And then Geetanjali smile and asked .... ," So, what condition should we put infroqnt of them??".

Naina looked at her with confused expression and asked," Haven't you decide that???".

Geetanjali," I didn't even think about that".

Naina shouted,"whatttttt.... yaaahhh!!!! You idiot".

Geetanjali," What it's just I don't have anything to say so I just bluttered that out".

Naina," And here I am thinking that my great sister have any plan regarding this... How stupid it was for me to think like that you have any plan🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️".

Geetanjali scratched at the back of her neck and said," Now what????".

Naina,"Okay so let's take a sheet and write what we are expecting from them then we will match it and the points where we both will agree we will write that on final page and put that on the tabel of Mr. Min's office ".


In shared house of Bangtan

Taehyung," yahh!!! Give back my ice cream I have taken that out".

Jimin,"OK ok I will go and take mine then i am not gonna share that with you!!!".

Taehyung,"you have eaten 3 spoons I want my 3 spoons back".

Jin smacked taehyung head and said," If you will eat ice cream like them then who will eat your dinner.. and this will affect your health so if you will eat ice cream I will not give you your almond milk".

Taehyung whined and nodded for what his hyung said...

Jungkook," Hyung I have heard that suga hyung sisters are now out from the danger and they are gonna join our college".

Jimin," I have heard that they are very beautiful and sexy". He wishpered the last word.

Taehyung, junkook and jimin giggled together.

Jungkook asked hoseok," when they are gonna join us in college hyung".

Hoseok," I don't know jk but if they will join us definitely they are not gonna be in our class they will get the private class ".

Taehyung," wae????".

Jimin," are you serious hyung , are you hearing yourself ... what you are saying".

Hoseok,"yahh!!!! They will be like your sister's .... don't you ever think to droll on them ... you know how possessive yoongi is for her sisters".

Jimin,"ya ya hyung".

Jungkook,"well why he is in his house from last night , i haven't seen him staying at night and then even in morning at house ".

Namjoon," yah that is quite surprising".

Hoseok,"yahh!!! Yoongi is calling".

Yoongi," today I am giving you guys treat ok decide the place i will be there at 7 pm byyy".

Hoseok,"woahhh what a shit head he is.... he just disconnected the phone without letting me say anything .... well all of you yoongi is giving treat to all of us we have to decide where we want to go".

Jungkook,"waoohhh great i want 10 packs of banana milk".

Hoseok,"I want to have fill this fridge with sprite".

Taehyung,"i want Ice cream parlor".

Jimin,"i want..."..

Jimin was cut of by a loud thud in the kitchen they all rushed towards the kitchen saw that the bowl in which Jin was prepared the dough for cookies and cake was now shattered and broken. Namjoon was in freeze state while jin was fuming in anger... except jin every one started laughing and there namjoon was scratching the nape of his neck...


In the mention

Girls have written there points and went towards the study of Mr. Min it was noticed by yoongi but he thought that let his father check that first then he will go there....

When they reached inside the office they didn't find anyone there so they kept the sheet there and come back to there room.

"you know what you have said was not the whole truth Mr . Min ", miss lee said .

Mr.min,"But what should i tell them neither I have courage nor i can do that".

Miss lee,"i was thinking you are gonna tell them whole truth, but now look they are hating us ".

Mr. Min," We deserve there hate lee now let's leave that what is gone we will not ne able to fix that so just leave it and look forward".

Mr. Min an miss lee hugged each other and he checked the time it was now 1 hour so he went towards the office and find that there was the sheet and had a heading ...

"Few more kindness expected from Mr. Min , miss lee and young master"



Hello readers,

I hope your are enjoying and loving the story sorry for any grammatical mistake do comment and let me know my mistakes...

New chapter will be updated soon ...

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