Chapter 6

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After preparing the dishes both the girls went to there room as they want to get freshen up themselves, to join the family for the breakfast.

Maids were late today, they were scared and aware that today either they will get fired or will be scolded by Mr. Min because of there late arrival in mansion. When they entered in kitchen they saw miss lee was there. By hearing the foot steps Miss lee turned towards gate and saw the horrified faces of the Maid... and she understood that is because  they are late ...  within a min
They heared the foot steps of Mr.  Min. Then maid replied miss lee...

Maid 1," Mam today we are late and sir is now at the dinning table but the breakfast is not ready yet".

Yoongi also came at that time and he heard what maid said and interrupted them by saying,"But today in morning you guys were preparing breakfast I came and also shouted on you".

Maid,"Sir, but we are late today we came at 7am."

Yoongi was confused he saw 2 girls worked inside the kitchen and the also asked him about his college.

Till thenboth the girls came out were ready and came out from the room by wearing oversized  hoodie and trousers.

On geetanjali  hoodie it was written " girl in orange is mine".

And on Naina hoodie it was written " girl in blue is mine".

This was written with a hand poining each other. Which was looking cute on them.

Naina asked," what happened".

Geetanjali," why everyone is looking so tensed".

Miss lee," Nothing we are tensed because  your dad is on the dinning table and  breakfast is not ready".

Naina," don't  worry mom we have made the breakfast".

Geetanjali,"come here just reheat the pancakes and serve".

Maid were shocked and were stunned because they didn't expect the girls to be good in cooking . They don't want to give that food to Mr. Min but they were help less because  they don't  have anything to serve.

The pancakes and juice was served infront of Mr. Min and hot chocolate and pancake in front of yoongi.

Yoongi,"I told you 2 maids were working in the kitchen today in morning  the breakfast is ready and it smells good."

Noone dared to say anything then the girls came sit on the dinning table with miss lee.

Yoongi start eating and Mr. Min cut the pancakes and taste it.

Mr. Min," They, are delicious  today all the kitchen staff you guys have done a great job...".

Yoongi cut his father off and said," yeah dad you are absolutely right".

Miss lee interrupted him," No your daughters  made them, and yoongi your sisters made today's breakfast ".

Both the girls were happy that there father and yoongi liked there food then they also started eating. Both father and son were upset from there own behavior because they don't want to appreciate these girls but unknowingly they did .

Then Soobin came inside the hall and went towards the maid and said something to one of the maid she mumbled okay silently and he start going out of the mansion , Geetanjali shouted his name because in India Soobin, there maid and driver use to eat together in morning and at night also. so they all were comfortable in eating there food with them eating that's why she can invited him to come and sit with them and have his breakfast because she always consider him as there older brother.

Geetanjali," Soobin Oppa where are you going come here and sit and have the breakfast with us".

Naina," yes come fast or it will again get cold and they have to reheat it so  come ".

Soobin knows his position  he can't  sit in front of Mr. Min and yoongi ... although  yoongi treat him as his younger brother  but still he knows his limitations.

Soobin," No,you guys eat I am getting late i have to reach office on time".

Naina,"But you have to reach before dad na.. "

Geetanjali, "exactly and dad is not ready yet he is here eating with us and then he will get ready for the office....  till the time he will get ready you will reach the office, now come on come and sit here."

Mr. Min clenched the newspaper and said," He is  mere employee, he can't sit and eat with us ".

Both the girls asked together,"why???".

Geetanjali, "he is like our brother , our older brother".

Naina," In India we all used to eat together ".

That maid  whom Soobin just and talked was stunned by the words of the girls she can't  believe that they allow her brother to sit and eat with them. This gesture increases the respect of these girls inside her hearts.

Mr. Min,"This is not india and this is not your house, this house has some rules and regulations which everyone follows if you want to stay here you also have to follow them".

They became silent. Nothing came out from there mouth they were just thinking... who talk like this with there daughter's.. then they looked towards there mother who was just nodding to what he said without uttering a single word.

This ignorance of there mother towards them. brimmed the tears inside there eyes but they controlled that and mumbled a small, okay from there mouths. And Soobin went outside the mansion.

They all eat there breakfast silently without any further noise before going back to the room Mr. Min ordered both the girls to come in his house office after 30 min. This made them confused.

After everyone get back to there work that maid came and introduce herself to them

Maid,"Hello, I am chio miso ,  I am sister of choi Soobin ".

Geetanjali," ohhh!!!u r that cute little sister ".

Naina," yes,he was right you are very cute". She said this by pulling her cheeks out.

Miso," Sorry for my yesterday's  behavior".

Geetanjali," Its okay we don't mind anything from those people who are like family for us and you are our family because Soobin is our big brother and you are his elder sister that means you became our elder sister".

With this logic naina geetanjali and miso go for a group hug and after the hug they went inside the kitchen Naina take the pancakes on the plate and geetanjali prepared the hot chocolate and they both take that towards the security room because they know that Soobin will only be found there.

They knocked .

Soobin," yes come".

Both the girls come with the food and place infront of him

He quickly stand up from the chair and bowed to them they bowed back to him again he bowed so in order to break this Naina interrupted and said " Oppa eat this or we will destroy the cameras ".

Soobin know they can do this so without wasting any time He started eating the breakfast and that gave a big smile on the face of both girls and they came back to the mansion.

Geetanjali checked the time... only 5 min are left so they went and put there phone on charging and went towards the office on his father.....


Hello readers

How are you guys i hope you are liking the story ...

Okay now why Mr. Min ask then to come in study why he can't  talk infront of servants... after hearing his fathers word why yoongi was smirking by looking at them ? ...
Why there mother was quiet ..?

You will get the answers in next chapter.... stay tuned ...

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