Loving Family

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It's really bright in here. And, warm?  Where am I? Why does the surface feel so soft but hard?

I open my eyes to see myself in what looks like a cozy bedroom. I look around and see different pictures of people I did not recognize. It was a picture of a family. Three boys 2 looked older like in their 20s and the other boy looked around my age maybe a little younger. To the right was a woman that seems to be the mother and to the left looked like a dad. The family looks so happy. 

"You're awake! How are you feeling sweetheart?" A woman walks in. She looks to be in her mid-40s. She had beautiful long black hair tied in a loose ponytail showing more of her face. She looked good. 

As I begin to sit up the woman rushes to me helping to steady me "I'm fine... What happened? How did I get here?" I ask trying to recognize this woman who is helping me.

"Well, last night I was strolling through the area and saw you passed out on the floor. I couldn't leave you there so my son and I carried you in our car and drove you to my house. I tried cleaning you as much as I could without revealing yourself too much but I got most of the blood off. Your bruises also seem to be fading already. How is your head hon?"  The woman explains

I respond "My head is fine. The pain has mostly faded which is good. And thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

The woman chuckles "How rude of me. You are probably scared to be in a stranger's house. I'm Maria. And what's your name?"

"Kris. Also are those your kids?" I ask pointing at the frame behind Maria

Maria tuns to the photo and I can see a small smile form "You must love them a lot huh?"

"Indeed. These four are my everything. The one on the right is my 27-year-old eldest Felipe, The Middle is my youngest 16 years old Harry and the one on the left is my 23 years old son Mateo. I was also meant to ask you something... What happened? How did this happen?" Maria's face turns towards me with a concerned look. What should I say? I can't say one of my mom's conquest hurt me. 

I come up with an excuse "It's a long story... It's personal..." 

Maria's face turns more worried and demanding "Did somebody do this to you? If someone did you need to let me know now sweetie"

I start to tear up "Please don't... I don't want to talk about it."

Maria gently pulls me in for a hug. I almost shove her off of me but give in and hug her. The hug felt warm and safe. It felt like love, something I haven't felt in a long time. I begin to cry.

"It's ok mi amor, you're safe now. I'm here. Let it all out" Maria says softly petting my hair. It felt nice

Sobbing and hiccuping between words I respond "I.. I... I'm really s... sorry... I j... just had a r...r...really bad night..."

Maira looks at me "It's ok Kris. Are you hungry? I made food."

I wipe my tears nodding with a small smile. Maria gets off the bed and walks into the kitchen. i take the chance to slowly get up and walk around the room. The decoration makes the room feel more homie. The picture of the family. Posters of a place I am not familiar with but it helps with the red and white striped flag with a blue triangle on the side with a star in the middle. It's Puerto Rico. The location I am not so sure but the poster shows a somewhat worn yet fresh painted building with the flag painted on it. It was beautiful. This family was beautiful. Just from the interaction, I could tell this family had their conflicts but they are always able to work it out. Despite the arguing they do deep down they all know they love each other and show their love whether it's cooking with each other or hugging or giving a peck on the cheek. The parents love each other very much but they get into disagreement like any other couple but at the end of the day, they never sleep unless they know they still love each other. 

That is love. And it is beautiful.

"Kris, come to the kitchen to eat please!" Maria calls

"coming!" I respond

I walk to the kitchen, the house isn't too big but it's homie. Perfect for a family like them. I sit on the table awkwardly wait as Maria sets a big plate of food in front me.  I see a man besides me, he looked exactly like the kid on the right. He must be the eldest son. There was another man near the fridge that looked exactly like the person on the upper right of the photo. The father. The other two kids I assume were not here yet.

I look to the son "You Felipe right? Eldest?"

Felipe turns and smiles pulling his hand out for a handshake. I shake his hand "Ya, nice to meet you! Como te llama? How are you feeling?"

I respond as I start eating this dish containing shrimps, the yellow ball I wasn't sure what it was with this yellow sauce in the side. then In the middle of the table looked like a meat pocket or something. I'm not very well educated in cultures. "I'm Kris, I'm feeling way better then before thank you. What is this dish called? Its delicious! What is the yellow ball and those pockets on the table?"

Felipe responds "What your eating is Mofongo, it's a Puerto Rican dish. The yellow all is tostones, usually, you'd make them into a cookie-like shape, it's really good. And those "pockets" are called Patelitos also known as Empanadas. They are cheese and beef, do you want to try one?"

I nod. I ask for a beef one and take a bite. "HOLY CRAP! This has so much flavor! It's so good!"

Maria, Felipe, and the husband laugh. It wasn't a laugh to say you dumb, to make fun of me. It was a laugh of genuinely having a good time.

"I take it you like it? I forgot to ask if you were allergic to seafood. I apologize for that hon." Maria says

I respond stuffing my mouth "I'm not allergic to anything, you're fine. This is amazing! I take it you guys are Puerto Rican, I saw the poster in the other room."

I loved this family but I know this can't be my forever. I have my own fucked up family. No matter how much I wanted to run away and be with this one deep down I couldn't do it. No matter how much I say I hate my mom or even curse her off I still love her. She's my mom.

After I finish the meal I go to the sink to wash my dish when Maria tries to grab my dish. We tug of war for a few seconds playfully until I gave in. I walk into what looked like the living room and take a seat on the couch. To the left side was another couch which the husband looks at me and asks "Hey, I should introduce myself. I'm Antonio. I heard your name was Kris, a beautiful name. I would like to talk to you if you're ok with that?" His accent was soothing, I can't really explain it. It's refreshing to her an accent that isn't your own if that makes sense.

I nod. Antonio asks "What is your family life like?"

Well, this is gonna be a long story...

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