Crazy but nice

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It's a really nice day out. The sun is bright, no clouds in the sky and the heat feels amazing. I walk outside in basketball shorts and a blue tank top. When I jump off my steps I feel a quick pain I wince too. I forgot I had bandaged my leg.

I wonder how that nice family is doing. I should go visit them. I walk across the park to the other side of town. After about 20 minutes of walking, I arrive at their house.

I knock on the door and wait. It doesn't take long until I hear the lock and see the door open. Maria jumps from excitement "Hola Mija! How are you?"

I respond with a smile "I'm fine, just wanted to visit!"

Maria invites me inside "Arw you hungry or thirsty? I can make you some cafe if you like?"

I shake my head "No thank you. How is everything?"

Maria sits besides me on the counter. "Everything has been the same old, I cook and clean as well as go to work and my husband goes to work. My kids at their houses except my youngest."

I nod "What do you do?"

"I work with children with disabilities. I help them and play with them."

In awe I respond "That's so sweet! You must be very good with kids"

María giggles. María looks down and her face immediately switches to concern. I look down and notice the bloody bandage was showing a little bit enough to spot it. I quickly cover it just to have Maria move my hand 

"Mija, let me see your leg"

I hesitated and lift my leg to the stool. Maria examines it. She slowly takes off the bandage, I can feel the pain as she touches the bandage but tries not to show it. She peels off the bandage to see a fresh cut from last night. The bleeding has stopped but you can tell it was fresh because there was dry blood on the wound and faint blood marks on my skin. 

"Kris... What happened?" Maria asked leading me to her bathroom. When we go into the bathroom she grabs a bottle of hydroperoxide and begins to pour it on my leg. I make a face scrunching up my face and leg about the wound to help with the sting.

"I fell on my stairs" I lie

Maria grabs a towel and starts cleaning the wound "Kris I know you see me as a very sweet woman but I have three kids. I know a thing or two about lying. This cut is not from stairs, they look deeper than that and it looked like you were trying to hide it. So please Mija be truthful, you can trust me I am here to help you. Did you do this to yourself?"

I sigh and nod "There's just a lot going on at home and half the time I have no clue how to go through it. I usually just watch Netflix or go out just anywhere but this time was different..."

Maria finishes cleaning the wound and grabs a cling from the cabinet and wraps it around my leg. "How so?"

Mesmerized by how well Maia is taking this I respond "My mom for the past few years hasn't shown love towards me. If I'm being honest I don't even remember the last time she used my actual name. She let this random pick hurt me and I confronted her just for her to have a shitty excuse of being too scared to do shit. And my mind just kinda went elsewhere... I wasn't myself, it was like a new part of me was unleashed that had been locked away for a long time. I couldn't control it this time..."

"So you have thought about hurting yourself before?" Maria asks. I can't exactly tell how she is feeling. She is reacting so calmly to this. I don't know what to think of it.

"Numerous times... But I knew how to contain it. I just showed I didn't care"

Maria nods "Your mother may have been scared but even if that was my kid getting hurt I would do everything in my power to try to protect them even if it killed me. I am so sorry you went through that Mija you don't deserve that. Nobody does." She pulls me in for a hug

I hug her back. After we hug for a few seconds Maria slaps my arm "Don't ever do that again. If you need someone to talk to I am always here. The cursing I will let slide because you were ranting and didn't know this house is curse-free."

I laugh while rubbing my arm. Holy shit this mom is crazy but I like her. How the fuck are Hispanic moms so crazy yet so kind?? 

Never EndingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang