Recap chapters 1-6

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Hello there my friends! I know some of you forget about what happens in previous chapters and that is ok because I am going to use this chapter to refresh your lovely minds!

First chapter: an introduction on Kris's family life. The mother daughter relationship and a little bit of how Kris feels.

Second chapter: this shows more of Kris's social life and how she thinks. You get to know Kris's character more as observant but kinda an outcast. You also see she doesn't take shit from people including her mom. Kris has a strange dream about a man that could possibly be her father.

Third chapter: this chapter we see how much pain Kris is truly in. How much she truly feels. Her rage. It also shows how she is treated in regards to respect. Her own mother not saving her. Kris also going to assault being tramatized

Fourth chapter: a lovely family rescues her and helps her heal with her cuts and bruises.She sees what love truly is wishing she could have it.

Fifth chapter: Kris explains vaguely what happened to her (from chapter 3) and talks about her family life. You got to know her a little more and notice more how smart she is and observant. Kris was very tempted to stay but goes home still having deep hatred yet loving her mother.

Sixth chapter: Kris has another boring day at school until her teacher calls to talk to her. The teacher asks if everything was ok for Kris to respond says yes. Teacher assures Kris to go to them anytime but Kris isn't very comfortable with it but tell her anyways they will.

Kris gets home to relax her mom watching TV and remembers that night as clear as day. She decides now was the time to talk to her.

And that is where that chapter ends. I hope this recap was helpful 😊 I honestly had to reread a little to remember myself lol.

I might be doing these recaps every few chapters so if you don't remember what happens don't worry you can always go to the recaps

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