Cooking With Flo - Florence Pugh

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Requested by MarvelWomenSimp31105
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"Hey bitches it's cooking with Flo. Today we are doing it Live so send your questions and I will see how many we can answer."

You watch with a smile as Florence puts the tip of the knife into the wooden chopping board smiling into her phone. You are standing behind the phone, off camera leaning against the kitchen island simply watching your wife as she flutters around the kitchen getting everything she needs ready. You had always loved watching Flo in the kitchen. She always seemed so happy and free, which made you happy and the smile on your face shows it. Your smile grows when Flo looks up from her task sending you a small wink then looking down to her phone chuckling to herself.

"Yes, the other Mrs Pugh is here with us today. Baby say hello to everyone."

"Hello internet." You simply speak hoping the phone picks it up, as you want to finish your coffee before making your way onto camera, which you usually do as the food is in the oven to answer any fan questions.

"Baby I meant come around and say...You know what doesn't matter everyone is saying hi back." She rolls her eyes with a giggle as she grabs an onion and puts it on the chopping board. "Okay so today we are going to be cooking something real simple. Chilli con Carne. Why you may ask? Well it is Y/n's favourite and I thought I would treat my favourite girl."

You smile, blowing her a kiss which she pretends to catch and put in her apron pocket. Taking another sip of your coffee you simply watch as Florence answers a few comments about upcoming projects, how she is and saying thank you every time someone compliments her.

"So with the onion you just gotta take her bottom off, then take her top off." You hold in a laugh placing your hand over your mouth as Florence seems to realise what she has said. She points the knife to the camera with a fake look of unamusement. "Cheeky, don't think like that."

You shake your head taking another sip of coffee before it comes back out of your nose as the laugh you were holding in finally makes an appearance. As you choke Florence breaks out into a fit of laughter, doubling over as her arm wraps under her ribs, the other placing the knife back down on the side. You fan your face, the coffee leaves a painful sting in your nose, your eyes watering as Florence slowly crouches down till she is sat on the floor in tears of laughter.

"Oh-my-god...I...Can't be-lieve you did that." She says between her loud laughs as you continue to cough trying to clear your throat and nose of coffee.

You make your way around the island to where the tap is, quickly running the cold water and putting most of your face under it as you try to wash away the spat up coffee, completely forgetting that Florence is Live on instagram. You remove your face from the water, cupping your hands underneath and splashing the water over your face a few times before harshly rubbing your hands against it. You turn the tap off, shaking your head and hands to try and dry them a little before turning around to see Flo still on the floor in a ball of laughter.

You lift the bottom of your shirt up to wipe your face dry, then pull it off chucking it on the floor deciding to deal with it later. The moment your shirt hits the floor Flo is quick to stand and jump in your arms causing you to stumble back a little as you catch her. You let out a small laugh as she mumbles against the skin of your neck, not hearing a single thing she said.

"Baby, I didn't catch what you said."

"I said you are on camera and no one is allowed to see what's under your shirt but me." She whines softly, making you laugh more.

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