First encounter chp:3

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a strong desire to know or learn something.

Y/n pov
Day 2 of the project has now started. It's so far going good. We all got the supplies needed now all we have to do is go visit the forest.

As I finished packing up stuff, there was a knock at the door. I grabbed my sweater and bag. I grabbed my keys off the counter and went to the door.

I opened and saw Max. I then closed and looked the door. Me plus Max went to the car that Mia and Conner were in and Arcades was driving.

Time skip brought to you be chibi Ben and Jeff doing pranks

We arrived at the forest. There were a few cars here and there. Not many people. We all got out of the car and proceeded to go to follow a path.

Despite not liking this place much the forest was quite nice. Birds chirped, the forest was full of so many leaves ranging from yellows, oranges, reds and greens.

You could hear the leaves crunch while while walking. It was really calming, in fact everyone seem to enjoy it.

Mia was dancing around, Conner was using a cam recorder filming everything. Max and Arcades chatted away.

Everyone seem to have been fine. Now that I think about why was I scared of the forest.

As far as I know this forest has a lot of rumours, most of them are about how kids go disappearing, screams in the middle of the night or maybe that you feel like you being watched.

Though now that I'm here it's just peaceful. "Yo y/n why so quiet?" Mia said as she wrapped her arm around me.

"I don't know, is there a reason to talk." "No but hey it makes ya look sad, which is not good." She said, her usual bright smile on her face.

I smiled back, it wasn't a big and bright one like hers. No one can have as big of a smile like hers, but I think thats what makes Mia Mia.

She then ran off probably to go look around. As I watched I heard the sound of camera clicks. I turned to see Arcades taking pictures.

"Yo you guys come look at what I found." Mia said out of no where. It scared Conner big time. He looked as though he was about to faint.

Mia said sorry of course. But the proceeds to drag us all to the thing she wanted to show us. When she moved the bushes out of the way she showed us the big abandoned building.

It was at least 4 story's, there was graffiti every where. Everyone look at in in amazement. I immediately grabbed my camcorder to film it.

We all proceeded to go in. There was water dripping here and there, the sound of concrete broke underneath everyone's feet. For some reason the camera seem to have glitch out here and there.

Not only did it glitch but it felt as though there was something watching us. What made it even worse was that I knew it wasn't human, just everything about it didn't feel human.

We continue to explore the place more graffiti, there were ones with dicks, tits, bunch of text ones, but one that stuck out was the ones with a circle and a x through them.

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