VMFBP [MX]: Chapter 12

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"Oh my gosh, you look beautiful. It's a good thing your mom knows you." Monique clapped as she pulled me out the room. "She told me we have to wait for your brother to come-oh there he is!" She said before I turned.

And lo and behold, Kihyun standing in a blue polo and white slux. Hair styled, "Why do I feel like I'm the only one wearing formally-"

"But you look beautiful though, Kiki." Kihyun said. I smiled, "I know. Mom made this dress for me." "Really?!" He asked, surprised. "She didn't tell me so that earlier-"

"Why would she tell you? Let's go." I said before heading out first. The sun was already down earlier as the sky changed into a starry one. "You're my date tonight, why are you wearing-"

"Sissy, you have to go alone tonight. I have the student body president as my date." He answered as we drove out the boutique, "You're kidding?"

"Since when?" He asked back. I groaned before my eyes drifted out the window, "You could at least saved me-"

"Don't worry, I'll dance with you later. Even Hyunwoo will."

"And besides, Mijoo told me that you and Changkyun are crowned as the Valentine's royalty couple this year-" "What?!" I asked, yelling in the process. "You heard me."

"What the hell?! Who voted?" Kihyun shrugged.

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