VMFBP [MX]: Chapter 13

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The nervousness kept me pacing back and forth, "Hey. Don't be nervous, she's just the same Kiki from before." Jooheon said.

"Still. What if she doesn't accept this? What if all my efforts go down in the drain? What if-" "You worry too much, Kyun. Just stay positive since she already told you earlier she likes you." Jooheon assured me. I sighed, nodding my head hesitantly. "Hyungwon went outside to meet Kiki-" Jooheon stopped pulling out his phone as we heard its 'ping' sound, indicating a message came.

"She's here. Get ready, Changkyun." He told me as he pushed me behind the fountain. I breathed deeply before drifting my eyes to the box wrapped and a bouquet of roses in different shades of purple. "Oh, and good luck, Changkyun." Jooheon cheered before leaving me.

Here goes nothing.

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