Karen Betts x Reader

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Y/n's POV

It's my first day off in what seems like forever so I decided to have a somewhat lazy day before I was to head back to the madness that is Larkhall. I had relocated from my room down to the living room where I curled up on the sofa and had a movie marathon. It's not long gone half five in the evening when there's a firm knock at the door and I reluctantly get up off of the sofa to answer it. Pulling the door open I'm met with the soft eyes of Dominic who's holding a crying and clearly drunk Karen Betts, moving aside quickly he brings her into the house and takes her to the living room. Closing the door I quickly follow him and sit next to the upset woman while Dominic sits in the chair across from us.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your day off but I didn't know where else to go y/n. She won't tell me what's wrong and kept mumbling your name so I thought that you might know what to do." He rambles out and I smile at him while holding Karen close to me.

"You're fine Dom, I'll calm her down and find out whats happened don't worry." I tell him and he nods before getting up to leave. I go to follow him but he waves me off and quickly leaves the house. Turning to face Karen I carefully push her hair out of her face. "What's happened to get you in this state Karen?" I ask her gently and she burrows her head in my chest as a new wave of tears came and I just hold her to me while stroking her hair.

"It's Stephen, I told him something, something major and he's disgusted in me. He hates me, I'm sure of it." She whimpers into my shoulder and I continue to stroke her hair in hopes that it'll calm her down. "My own son hates me y/n."

"Hey, stop that! Look at me Karen, Stephen could never hate you! He loves you so much and I don't think that anything could ever change that. He's probably just shocked by whatever you told him and needs time to get his head around it." I tell her sternly but she shakes her head before looking up at me.

"I told him what Fenner did, that he raped me and you should have seen his face. He couldn't even look at me and then I continued to ramble on about how I feel about you and the fact that I'm pretty sure I might be in love with you! I'm pretty damn sure that he hates me!" She exclaims and I freeze for a moment.

She thinks she's in love with me! When did that happen? I mean I've had feelings for her for long enough but never said anything because she was with Fenner then Mark and Ritchie. I think to myself and can feel a smile starting to form but quickly wipe it away as I hear Karen begin to cry again. "Hey, look at me Karen. Stephen does NOT hate you nor is he disgusted with you! He will hate Fenner for hurting his mum and will want to see you happy after all the crap you've been through recently so he won't care who the hell you love." I tell her fiercely, trying to make her believe me which unfortunately doesn't work until someone speaks behind us and scares the living hell out of me!

"She's right mum, I don't hate you and never could. I hate that man and what he's done to you. He hurt you mum and then tried to make you feel like he didn't which isn't right. I was disgusted with him not you." Stephen says as he walks round the sofa and crouches in front of it to look his mum in the eyes. "As for who you love y/n's right, I don't care you you have feelings for and get with because all I want is for you to be happy mum. Honestly, knowing that it's y/n that you might very well be in love with is amazing mum and you would both be great together! For crying out loud you already look like a couple with how you're curled up together." He rambles as he takes his mums hand but says the last bit as he catches my eye and I give him an easy smile. Watching Karen as she plays with her son's hands I decide to give the two of them a bit of time together and carefully move from my position on the sofa.

"Karen, talk to Stephen. Tell him why you were so upset with how he reacted and just spend time with him sweetheart." I tell her and she gives me a soft smile before I turn to look at Stephen with a playful glare. "And you mister, if you ever scare me like that again you might not live to tell the tale." I tell him and he chuckles before pulling me into a brief hug. Breaking away I walk into the kitchen and after closing the door behind me to give them more privacy I reach for the bottle of tequila that I had left out last night and pour myself a glass before quickly downing it. Walking towards the fridge I open it to see what I have that I could use to make dinner but come up empty and decide to just order in from the local Chinese place and quickly walk over to the kitchen phone to order in our usual orders. Once that's done I grab the tequila again and take another shot as I try to wrap my head around everything that's been revealed tonight. Karen Betts, the woman that I have silently been pining after, has feelings for me. Sighing I let my head rest on my arms and close my eyes as I let myself relax fully for a moment before a hand rests on my shoulder making me jump slightly.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you y/n." Karen says as she sat next to me and I turn my head to look at her with a smile without sitting up. "May I?" She asks as she motions to the bottle and I nod lazily, watching as she took a gulp from the bottle.

"How are you feeling?" I ask quietly and she gives me a small smile.

"Better, it was nice sitting down and talking to Stephen properly and I guess that I have to admit that you were right y/n. Damn I hate saying that." She tells me with a chuckle and I follow soon after. "I'm sorry we kind of kicked you out of your own living room though." She adds as she plays with my fingers.

"Karen it's fine, I offered to leave you two to talk. Plus, I got tequila and dinner ordered for us all while you were sorting things out." I tell her as I carefully take her hand in mine and entwine our fingers together. "I've order your usual from the Chinese, I hope you don't mind." I tell her but she quickly shake her head with a grin and I return it as I grab the bottle and take a gulp from it.

"Umm, so about some of the things that I said earlier I meant what I said. I know it sounds crazy because we aren't even together but I really do think that I might be falling in love with you." She says quietly and I feel myself grinning as I move my chair closer to her. Using my free hand to rest under her chin I slowly lean in and press a gentle kiss against her lips that she quickly returns as her free hand tangles in my hair.

"I think I might be falling in love with you too Karen, I never said anything because I was scared that I'd lose my friend." I tell her when we pull away and she grins at me before pulling me out of the chair and through to the living room where the three of us set up a movie to watch just in time for the dinner to arrive. Cuddling up next to Karen we enjoy our dinner and a movie night before heading up to bed with Stephen hogging the guest room. "Well, I guess that leaves you sleeping with me tonight Karen." I whisper in her ear and she kisses me again before pulling me into the room and closing the door behind us with a grin.

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