Cher x Reader

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Y/n's POV

"Are you sure that you won't come?" Cher asks as she starts getting ready for the premiere of the new Mamma Mia movie and I sigh as I watch her.

"Cher, I'm six months pregnant and look like a bloody whale. I have nothing decent to wear and even if I did I'd make you look-" I rant out but she cuts me off by capturing my lips in a deep kiss that has me aching for more.

"You are six months pregnant with our baby girl and you look as gorgeous as ever. I had some dresses sent over for you just in case you changed your mind and you will make me look like I'm the luckiest woman in the world." She whispers as she pulls away from me and I groan. "Meryl's going to be there as well darling and I know that she'd like to see you again."

"Nope, I'm definitely not going!" I tell her when she mentions Meryl and I glare at the mere thought of the blonde haired woman who always looks amazing. "No way in hell! That woman always manages to look amazing and I'm in no mood for that tonight."

"You always look amazing y/n. Take last night for example, when I had you laying just like this with your legs spread and me between them." She says as she settles exactly where she had last night and I moan as her hands run up my legs. "Look at you now, you look unbelievably sexy."

"How long do I have to get ready?" I ask her with a smile and she grins up at me as she kisses up my body before claiming my lips again.

"We ideally need to leave in an hour but there's no rush." She says as she runs her hands over my body and when I look in her eyes I know that it's not just me that's being affected.

"Right, let me up so I can run for a quick shower before I get dressed." I tell her and she nods but makes no move to get up. Instead she leans down and kisses me again. "Hmm, if you let me up now I promise to let you do whatever you want to me when we get home."

"Fine but I'm starting to wish that we didn't need to go at all." She says as she gets up and I follow after her walking into the bathroom for a quick shower which lasted a bit longer than it was meant to when Cher joined me stating that she couldn't wait until later. "Fuck! I'm sorry, I just-"

"It's fine, in fact it's more than fine but I hope none of the dresses have too low a neckline." I tell her as I show her the marks that she's left and she bites her lip making me laugh. "Oh well, it's not like they don't already know we're married." I say with a shrug as I start to put underwear on only to gasp when I take note of the dress she's picked out and turn to see her grinning at me.

"Meryl helped me get it for you." She says with a shrug and I pull her into me and kiss her softly.

"What did I do to deserve a wife as amazing as you and a friend like Meryl?" I ask against her lips before we both start to get ready. "We're going to be late my love." I call out as I walk downstairs and hear her groan from our room.

"I'm ready! Jesus, how the hell do you get ready so quickly? Even while six months pregnant?" She asks as she hurries downstairs holding her heels in her hand. "These can go on when we get nearer to the venue." She mutters just as the car beeps outside.

"I'm able to get ready so quickly because I don't try and do three things at once unlike some." I tell her as I guide her out to the car and help her in. Getting in myself I bite back a gasp when the baby kicks and rub my protruding stomach. "Your daughter is determined to make her presence known Cher."

"Hmm, how could I forget about you little one." She says to the bump and she tangles our fingers above the bump. "Thank you for coming tonight. I know that you haven't been feeling the best."

"I'm glad that I'm coming Cher, it'll be nice to get out of the house and Meryl might finally stop bitching about me getting out the house." I tell her with a chuckle and she raises an eyebrow at me while anger clouds her eyes. "Hey, calm down. She's been going on and on about me meeting her for lunch but I've been unable to go because this little one has been making me feel sick until mid afternoon even thoughthe morning sickness should have passed by now."

"She had no right to bitch about that." Cher growls out and I close my eyes at that. Jesus! This woman is going to be the death of me!

"Cher, she's not been serious. She knows how hard this pregnancy has been and she knows from experience how bad the morning sickness can be." I tell her as I cup her cheek and place a light kiss against her painted lips. "I love you Cher but you need to calm down."

"Hmm, I love you too." She says as she presses her lips harder against mine. Pulling away we fix our lipstick just as the car comes to a stop and the doors are opened for us. Stepping out I offer the person who opened the door a smile as he helps me steady myself until Cher takes his place and follow after her down the carpet. Hearing the clicking of the camera I feel slightly subconscious about how prominent the bump is but feel myself relax when Cher's hand comes to rest on the base of my back. "I've got you sweetheart."

"And so have I." Meryl says from behind me and I look at her with a smile while Cher presses her hand into my back more firmly while she smiled politely. "You look magnificent y/n."

"Y/n! Can we get a photo of Meryl and Cher?" A reporter calls out and I nod as I move over to the side. Watching them pose for the photo I laugh to myself when they share a peck on the lips before breaking away. "Thank you! And I agree, you look absolutely stunning!" The reporter adds which makes those around him nod in agreement while I blush at that.

"Uh, thank you." I say as Cher pulls me in for a proper kiss making me chuckle while the reporters quickly capture the moment. "One of you better send me a copy of those privately." I tell them when we pull away and after getting nods in return Meryl pulls me the rest if the way up the red carpet with Meryl following behind us.

"Glad you came now?" Cher asks as her hand runs over my bump and I chuckle.

"I am but if you keep drawing attention to this bump I'm leaving and taking Merly with me." I warn her playfully and she takes my hand instead. "I forgot just how supportive some of the press could be. It's a nice break from the idiots we had to deal with before." I add and she laughs as she pulls me inside where we greet the rest of the cast. Spending the night at Cher's side with her hand resting on my bump making the baby settle more I find myself really glad that I agreed to come tonight. Especially when I see the twinkle in Cher's eyes whenever she's asked about me or our little girl, that's worth all the discomfort in the world.

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