Jessica Lange x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Fighting with Jessica is something that I hate more than anything but something that seems to be happening more and more at the moment. It always starts out as something small until it escalates to the point that we're screaming at each other and she's accusing me of cheating on her with one of my colleagues which I'm not. I'm really hoping that today will be different, it's my day off and I've been at home all day reading on the sofa with the tv on in the background with some random show on when the front door opens. "Jess? Is that you?" I call out as I look up from my book with a smile and she just stands in the door looking at me shocked. "Everything okay Jess?"

"What are you doing home? You're not meant to be home until six!" She says as she walks into the room and I raise an eyebrow at her as she sits on the coffee table. Sitting up on the sofa I throw my book aside as I look at her and hesitate only slightly before reaching out to take her hand which she grips tightly in return. Biting my lip I pull her onto the sofa and could actually cry when she just falls into my body, holding me tight to her.

"It's my day off Jess. I was hoping that we could take the time to talk." I say into her shoulder and she nods into the hug even as she tenses up slightly. "Can we please talk Jess because I don't want to live like this anymore. I love you Jessica and I don't want to fight with you anymore. I'm so tired of fighting and crying."

"I think we should y/n." She says and slowly pulls away with tears in her eyes. Sitting up properly I smile when she takes my hands in hers. "I'm sorry that I've been such a bitch lately y/n, I don't know what's wrong with me."

"I'm sorry too Jess, I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like I would actually cheat on you. I need you to know that I never and I mean never would." I tell her and she looks down at our hands as she plays with my fingers. "I love you far too much to do anything like that to you."

"Really? Because Sammy saw you hugging and kissing some man in town a few months ago." She says and I frown at that, what man had Sammy seen me with? I've only been in town with one man in the last few months and he was my baby brother. "You were standing outside a jewellery shop, laughing and smiling him then you leaned in and kissed him. Sammy called me and told me exactly what happened as he watched you."

"No! Fuck, no Jess he didn't see what he thought that he saw. Dammit, he should have come over to me! He should have-" I cut myself off with a groan as I get glared at by Jess and quickly get up to grab my phone to call my brother making her glare deepen. Holding a finger up at her with wide eyes I relax slightly when she nods and Matthew answers his phone which I quickly put on speaker. "Matthew, I need you to be completely honest with me here. How did mum and dad like your present for their anniversary?" I ask him without breaking my gaze on Jessica who looks at me with wide eyes.

"Exactly how you predicted. Dad had an impassive nod and slight smile while mum tackled me into a hug that just about killed me. Why? What's been said? Oh god tell me dad actually liked it! I can't go shopping with you again!" He rushes out and I chuckle at that with tears on my cheeks.

"Hey at least you got an impassive nod from him! He just glared at me until I got uncomfortable enough to leave the house, mum almost killed me though. I swear that woman's trying to kill us sometimes with how she hugs." I say jokingly and he laughs slightly.

"Yeah he shut me down every time mum tried to ask about you. How's it going with the-" He asks and I quickly take him off of speaker phone before he ruins my surprise which makes Jessica glare at me.

"Matty, shut up. I'm worried it might not go ahead after this. Sammy saw us in town that day and Jessica thinks I'm cheating on her, that's why I called." I tell him and he groans. "Look Matty can you bring it round? I was going to wait until next week but I think that it's best if I do it now instead."

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